DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)



norris2930 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug
<I have seen the castbar pop up from a creature, if I interrupt the spell or not i get error>

Do you have an error log of what happened?
<Message: Interface\AddOns\DBM-Interrupts\Interrupt.lua:35: attempt to index field 'Bars' (a nil value)
Time: Thu Jul 22 08:37:53 2021
Count: 24
Stack: Interface\AddOns\DBM-Interrupts\Interrupt.lua:35: attempt to index field 'Bars' (a nil value)
[string "@interface\AddOns\DBM-Interrupts\Interrupt.lua"]:35: in function `handler'
[string "@interface\AddOns\DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua"]:894: in function <Interface\AddOns\DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:881>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@interface\AddOns\DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua"]:894: in function <Interface\AddOns\DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:881>

Locals: self =

revision = 20210722040749
categorySort =
DefaultOptions =
iconRestore =
specwarns =
SyncThreshold = 8
timers =
Options =
id = "Displays the CDs of interrupts to you (and your raid in some configurations)."
SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS = defined @interface\AddOns\DBM-Interrupts\Interrupt.lua:6
modId = "DBM-Interrupts"
localization =
announces =
vb =
optionCategories =
args =
sourceName = "Negative-LaughingSkull"
destFlags = 2632
destRaidFlags = 0
sourceRaidFlags = 0
spellId = 106839
spellName = "Skull Bash"
destName = "Lieutenant Voxiferus"
destGUID = "Creature-0-3137-2222-480-178294-000079665B"
timestamp = 1626957472.200000
sourceFlags = 1304
sourceGUID = "Player-67-0DB9AC7A"
key = nil
value = nil
Name = "SkullBash"
ID_no_taint = 106839
Duration = 15
_ = "Skull Bash"
SpellIcon = 236946
(for generator) = defined =[C]:-1
(for state) =
Strangulate =
SilencingShot =
OpticalBlast =
Disrupt =
Rebuke =
SpearHandStrike =
WindShear =
MindFreeze =
AvengersShield =
CounterShot =
SpellLock =
Pummel =
Silence =
SolarBeam =
CounterSpell =
SkullBash =
(for control) = "SkullBash"
key = "SkullBash"
value =
1 = "SkullBash"
2 = 106839
3 = 15
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 236946
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 236946
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Bars' (a nil value)"

To Reproduce


Did you try having DeadlyBossMods as the only enabled addon and everything else (especially something like ElvUI) disabled?
Which version of DeadlyBossMods are you using?
Was it working in a previous version? If yes, which was the last good one?
maybe a month ago
Additional context


DBM-Interrupts is not an addon we support. We gave addon authors months to support our new codebase, and since DBM-Interrupts is no longer developed, its on them.

Apologies if this is an inconvenience for you.