DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)


Mythic kel'thuzad, soul reavers not getting marked during intermission

bgodbgg opened this issue · 58 comments


Not sure what to say, I can post screenshots, we clicked some buttons/disabled other marks and it marked X and square, but never marked skull.


The thing is seeing if all the nameplate guids matched and if they were all unique like combat log

instructions for debugging are already in this thread though, just look above.

  1. enable dbm debug
  2. Set debug level to 3
  3. enable and run transcriptor for fight
  4. share the transcriptor to see where it went wrong.

Enable DBM debug is only one time thing per session? Or before every fight like transcriptor enable/disable?
And it's okay to use Version 9.1.13-10-gda34645? :-)


Alphas should work, but note i'm about to push a new one to fix shards


Debug stays enabled until disabled.


Okay. Will try it tonight, in about 4 hours und update beforehand.


These are Lines from the combat Logs; and there are the GUIDs in it:
9/18 20:10:09.631 SPELL_SUMMON,Creature-0-4246-2450-29558-175559-0000462747,"Kel'Thuzad",0xa48,0x0,Creature-0-4246-2450-29558-176973-0000462B83,"Unaufhaltsame Monstrosität",0xa28,0x0,352092,"Marsch der Verlassenen",0x8
9/18 20:10:09.631 SPELL_SUMMON,Creature-0-4246-2450-29558-175559-0000462747,"Kel'Thuzad",0xa48,0x0,Creature-0-4246-2450-29558-176973-0000C62B83,"Unaufhaltsame Monstrosität",0xa28,0x0,352092,"Marsch der Verlassenen",0x8
9/18 20:10:09.631 SPELL_SUMMON,Creature-0-4246-2450-29558-175559-0000462747,"Kel'Thuzad",0xa48,0x0,Creature-0-4246-2450-29558-176974-0000462B83,"Seelenhäscherin",0xa28,0x0,352094,"Marsch der Verlassenen",0x8
9/18 20:10:09.631 SPELL_SUMMON,Creature-0-4246-2450-29558-175559-0000462747,"Kel'Thuzad",0xa48,0x0,Creature-0-4246-2450-29558-176974-0000C62B83,"Seelenhäscherin",0xa28,0x0,352094,"Marsch der Verlassenen",0x8
9/18 20:10:09.631 SPELL_SUMMON,Creature-0-4246-2450-29558-175559-0000462747,"Kel'Thuzad",0xa48,0x0,Creature-0-4246-2450-29558-176974-0001462B83,"Seelenhäscherin",0xa28,0x0,352094,"Marsch der Verlassenen",0x8

I can help you with debug, what do I have to do?


I did find bug with shard marking. first report of it so first time I had a reason to look at it. Just a bad variable name.

But reaver marking....

I'm starting to think there has to be some kind of blizzard GUID bug on this fight. it sounds like same bug as drestagath on 8.3 where the combat log had unique guids for the mobs but the nameplates did not, causing marking to be utterly useless (by GUID). This is something I cannot verify with combatlog alone and need someone that knows what they are doing to debug in the raid itself. I know BW marking does NOT use GUID based marking in this case since they aren't trying to honor combat log order. I really didn't want to do blind marking without guid matching because it means you HAVE to have a designated marker or there will be icon setting conflicts, which means bringing back the problem of "if that marker is out of range, or goes into phyl, there will be no marking" problem.

I need more debug to procceed further.


I'm sorry to say the soul reaver marking is still not working for us.
On the first try only X and square were marked. On third pull none was marked. On the forth pull only square was used.

What I observed regarding soul shards marking during first four pulls, this one was only using the skull mark instead of 5 symbols.
Then we decided to not use the marking from dbm.

(edit) So to be clear:
Soul Reaver marking: Usually marks zero to two reavers. Seems quite random.
Soul Shard marking: Only marks skull and never something else.


Try doing /dbm debug to enable debug mode, then set it to /dbm debuglevel 3
This may cause aggressive spam but it could be useful in identifying icon setting issues.

I already have a theory of cause. More than one icon setter can cause icons to be moved around/mismatching and vanish. it's why icon elect feature exists. the problem here is icon elect was causing NO icons to be used if it elected a player in a different phase, so I force disable elect on this specific fight to at least get SOME icons out.

the only alternative left is to switch to GUID based icon setting but it means the icon will not be set on mobs immediately and instead only after first cast they perform, this will result in more consistent icon marking but likely too slow to be useful for first interrupt on each set.

Either way, debug info would be helpful. especially if you run transcriptor and attach a log that captured fight while dbm was in aggressive level 3 debug mode (transcriptor would also record the debug spam).

it's already using GUID based marking, based on SPELL_SUMMON, ignore half of that. Just need log and debug info to see what's going on


With debug mode, how do I give you said debug logs?


by running transcriptor, which has usual practice of doing /transcriptor before pull and again after to end logging. then getting the transcriptor.lua out of saved varaibles (not addons) which contains the log.


I'll try and get that setup during break, not sure if I can in time.


Wasn't able to get transcriptor for intermission because we started sending me down so I'll close this for now, sorry


rather leave it open for tracking, and just tackle it later when you or someone else can get data


I pushed a new alpha version of core that has much better debug and some bug fixes that may or may not be related to why KelThuzad marking isn't working, so I encourage you to grab latest alpha revision and test it in raid. Anyone else with assist is also encouraged to grab it.
This exact file (or newer)


I plan on getting you a transcriptor log tonight for Mythic KT. But BW is currently marking the adds. Is that going to mess with the transcriptor?


it might. DBM force disables marking if BW is installed. So as long as YOU aren't using BW and are running DBM when doing the debug log, it should be fine.

Btw any time markers weren't working, were there any BW players in raid setting markers? they do NOT use same logic when marking so the missing mark could have just been bw conflict/moving icon and causing an unmarked to happen.


and you were always in same phase as adds? not with the mini boss phase?


I specifically demoted everyone except myself, only running DBM and the marks did not go out. I don't run both, I only run DBM.


Correct. I am a tank and never go down.


I was also Raid Leader (with no assistants) at the time of the test.


Is the transcriptor a separate addon?


That is what I grabbed. Will Heroic work for your testing or does it need to be mythic?


Heroic would probably work if you can still control all variables.


Here you go.


At least 3 people in raid had assist, and out of Roodon Thatguyagain and Allthatjazz, Allthatjazz was chosen as the designated icon setter for having lowest latency.

What can you tell me about these 3. which phase were they assigned, did any of them have BW installed? did they all have the reaper icon setting enabled?

The debug code does reveal that during one reaver set, it only even tried to set icon on one of the 3, I'm gonna need more debug to figure out why it gave up on 2nd two because there is no indication of why it did.


Did you do /dbm debuglevel 3 ? that might be why the debug doesn't have enough information.
When it comes to icon debugging I may just change it all to level 2 so it just gets logged with default settings


I'll grab it and let you know.


Tested last night and it worked for the first set of adds, but didn't mark any Soul Reavers the second time they spawned.


New transcriptor of last night? the vastly improved debug should help
did any others besides you still have assist and perhaps didn't have latest alpha?


I didn't get a new transcriptor, and we managed to kill him so it will be a while before I can get you one. I was the only one that had marking perms in the whole raid.


no, it's actually literally idenical


Okay I understand. But I'm quite sure this would confirm that the only marks being set are those from me.
Is the marking soul reaver quite different then marking shards?


Hey, I can confirm shards marking works now. Soul Reaver marking still has bugs, transcript from our progress as attachment. I don't know if I disabled assist for all other players or not. Boss is dead now so I can't test for some time.

Thanks for all your work that you put into dbm!
Edit: my char name is Losmarios.

"<581.21 20:12:58> [DBM_Debug] canSetIcons or allAllowed true for SetIconOnReaper#2", -- [36402]
			"<581.21 20:12:58> [DBM_Debug] Match found in mobUids, SHOULD be setting icon on boss3#2", -- [36403]
			"<581.21 20:12:58> [CLEU] SPELL_SUMMON#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-175559-0000477CD6#Kel'Thuzad#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-176974-0000477DAA#Seelenhäscherin#352094#Marsch der Verlassenen#nil#nil", -- [36404]
			"<581.21 20:12:58> [DBM_Debug] INSTANCE_ENCOUNTER_ENGAGE_UNIT event fired for zoneId2450#3", -- [36405]
			"<581.21 20:12:58> [INSTANCE_ENCOUNTER_ENGAGE_UNIT] Fake Args:#boss1#false#false#true#Kel'Thuzad#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-175559-0000477CD6#elite#7631295#boss2#false#true#true#Überrest von Kel'Thuzad#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-176929-0000477CD6#elite#6147808#boss3#false#false#false#Unbekannt#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-176974-0000477DAA#normal#0#boss4#false#false#false#Unbekannt#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-176974-0000C77DAA#normal#0#boss5#false#false#false#??#nil#normal#0#Real Args:", -- [36406]
			"<581.21 20:12:58> [DBM_Debug] canSetIcons or allAllowed true for SetIconOnReaper#2", -- [36407]
			"<581.21 20:12:58> [DBM_Debug] Match found in mobUids, SHOULD be setting icon on boss4#2", -- [36408]
			"<581.21 20:12:58> [CLEU] SPELL_SUMMON#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-175559-0000477CD6#Kel'Thuzad#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-176974-0000C77DAA#Seelenhäscherin#352094#Marsch der Verlassenen#nil#nil", -- [36409]
			"<581.22 20:12:58> [DBM_Debug] INSTANCE_ENCOUNTER_ENGAGE_UNIT event fired for zoneId2450#3", -- [36410]
			"<581.22 20:12:58> [INSTANCE_ENCOUNTER_ENGAGE_UNIT] Fake Args:#boss1#false#false#true#Kel'Thuzad#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-175559-0000477CD6#elite#7631295#boss2#false#true#true#Überrest von Kel'Thuzad#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-176929-0000477CD6#elite#6147808#boss3#false#false#false#Unbekannt#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-176974-0000477DAA#normal#0#boss4#false#false#false#Unbekannt#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-176974-0000C77DAA#normal#0#boss5#false#false#false#Unbekannt#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-176974-0001477DAA#normal#0#Real Args:", -- [36411]
			"<581.22 20:12:58> [DBM_Debug] canSetIcons or allAllowed true for SetIconOnReaper#2", -- [36412]
			"<581.22 20:12:58> [DBM_Debug] Match found in mobUids, SHOULD be setting icon on boss5#2", -- [36413]
			"<581.22 20:12:58> [CLEU] SPELL_SUMMON#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-175559-0000477CD6#Kel'Thuzad#Creature-0-4242-2450-23737-176974-0001477DAA#Seelenhäscherin#352094#Marsch der Verlassenen#nil#nil", -- [36414]

Based on this it set icons on all 3 reapers who were boss3 boss4 and boss5


Well I do have Logs and VOD of it. At 20:12 no reaper was marked.

This is damage on cross (red) mark only in the try starting 20:10, on 20:12 no dmg on red mark, only in 2. intermission there is damage on red mark:


and you can verify no one had bw marking enabled? if someone else was marking not the same targets then marks would be cleared/messed up.

Guess for debug should have also had you enable the optino to show raid marking as chat messages


You can use replay feature on this try and see that nothing is marked at ~ 2:10, only one mark at ~ 5:00 (20:15).
Only thing we used is marking 2 player with yellow and orange using method raid tools.


As far as I know, raid marking only works if someone has assist. No player with BW did have assist.
Btw. how can I turn on the option to show raid marking as chat message?


right click chat tab, choose options or filters or whatever it's called (out of game at moment) and enable "raid targets icons" or whatever it's called then when someone sets icon it'll say in chat

x has set icon on y
just helps see where marks are coming from


I think i finally see the problem, It's order of events. dbm is setting icons TOO fast. It's calling SetRaidTarget on the units using boss3, boss4, boss5, before IEEU has fired (it does fire in same milisecond right after). Because of order of operatoins being off here, SetRaidTarget would actually refuse to set the icon because technically boss unit Id doesn't exist until the boss frame is visible (after IEEU). That also explains why it was usually skull missing. the boss frames were more likely to be visible by the time icon 2 and 3 came up. I should be able to fix this by simply moving my code directly to IEEU instead of SPELL_SUMMON.


I pushed a new alpha with changed code considering above possible theory. If theory is right then it should just work now, if theory is wrong then 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for your investigation. I think I could try this on heroic too, even when there are only two adds?


We had the same problems yesterday. Most times only one or two Soul Reavers were getting marked.
After some trys I degraded other members with assist so I was the only one for marking.
Most times it marked X, sometimes square and out of 30 pulls +/- 1-2 times skull.
DBM Version was 9.1.12.


It's had a lot of code changes in development versions. At this point I'm only interested on if it's still broken in 9.1.13 alphas. The fixes need more testing.


Much thanks, any feedback appreciated on that


Okay. I think you mean 9.1.12-24-ga0a6084? I'll installed it now and try it on the next progress evening on saturday


Related. Had to refix icon marking on mythic difficulty
Ref Commits


Meant to get back sooner, but yes heroic should be good testing too. I'm confident we got issue this time but need to test to be sure before closing issue


Heroic Soul Reaper marking did work with DBM 9.1.17-2-g8f3efe2


Interesting, I was told by others it was still broken and I had to refix it far more aggressively after that version. But it's likely you just killed mobs faster. Basically it still failed if more than 5 bosses were up since it wasn't using arena ids too.

In any case, I did a code refactor in core that basically meant I could remove the delay from mod itself. changed mod back to scheduling scan right away but made it so core validates icon marking, ie it checks it was successful instead of assuming the blizzard api actually works way it's supposed to, and if it can't find an icon after setting one, keeps trying.

not most cpu friendly IMO, but then again icon marking doesn't run non stop, entire process is done within split seconds so it's probably still better solution if blizzzard api can't be trusted to work all the time.

TL/DR, it should really really be fixed now, in this case and even future cases that have same problem being that the more aggressive fix is in core. Closing this issue finally.


Not heard back on results of testing, heroic or mythic. I'm confident delaying setting until IEEU should have been enough to work around issue of setting icons on "boss" unit Ids before they fully exist, but I'd still like confirmation before closing.


On our last heroic raid, soul shard marking worked.
For soul reaper I can't confirm 100%, I will have a look next week.


The reason it worked for them isn't because of kill time but instead Heroic vs Mythic. Heroic only has 4 adds + boss, so 5 boss units. Mythic has 5 adds + boss, so 6 boss units.


There's a new alpha build with rewritten and optimized icon code


There's a new alpha build with rewritten and optimized icon code

I understand. I'm the one that tested it (Justify). I was just saying why it worked for the previous person.