Getting 10 errors
g-k-m opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Describe the bug
I clicked on dbm icon on the minimap, instead of opening, it doesn't open, and errors appear
Do you have an error log of what happened?
Error list:
4x DBM-GUI\DBM-GUI-cef8c57.lua:134: Cannot find a library instance of "LibSerialize".
[string "=[C]"]: in functionerror' [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua"]:38: in function
[string "@DBM-GUI\DBM-GUI-cef8c57.lua"]:134: in main chunk
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in functionLoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function
[string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
[string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
(*temporary) = "Cannot find a library instance of "LibSerialize"." -
4x DBM-GUI\modules\options\general\Core_GUI.lua:3: attempt to index field 'Cat_General' (a nil value)
[string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\general\Core_GUI.lua"]:3: in main chunk
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in functionLoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function
[string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
[string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
L =
AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
FontHeight = 16
SWFNever = "Never"
HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
NoSound = "No sound"
ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
None = "None"
ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
CBTAdd = "Add"
ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
WebsiteButton = "Website"
DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal priority announcemen -
4x ...ns\DBM-GUI\modules\options\general\ExtraFeatures.lua:3: attempt to index field 'Cat_General' (a nil value)
[string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\general\ExtraFeatures.lua"]:3: in main chunk
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in functionLoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function
[string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
[string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
L = -
4x ...eDBM-GUI\modules\options\general\Profile.lua:10: attempt to index field 'Cat_General' (a nil value)
[string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\general\Profile.lua"]:10: in main chunk
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in functionLoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function
[string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
[string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
L = -
8x DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:461: attempt to call method 'GetNewID' (a nil value)
[string "@DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua"]:461: in functionCreateNewPanel' [string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\general\General-General.lua"]:3: in main chunk [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: in function
[string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in functionLoadGUI' [string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function
[string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
self = -
4x ...Ons\DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\Announcements.lua:6: attempt to index field 'Cat_Alerts' (a nil value)
[string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\Announcements.lua"]:6: in main chunk
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in functionLoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function
[string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
[string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
isRetail = true
L = -
4x ...-GUI\modules\options\alerts\SpecialAnnouncements.lua:5: attempt to index field 'Cat_Alerts' (a nil value)
[string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\SpecialAnnouncements.lua"]:5: in main chunk
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in functionLoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function
[string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
[string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
isRetail = true
L = -
4x ...DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\ChatframeMessages.lua:4: attempt to index field 'Cat_Alerts' (a nil value)
[string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\ChatframeMessages.lua"]:4: in main chunk
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in functionLoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function
[string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
[string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
isRetail = true
L = -
4x ...dOns\DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\SpokenAlerts.lua:3: attempt to index field 'Cat_Alerts' (a nil value)
[string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\SpokenAlerts.lua"]:3: in main chunk
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in functionLoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function
[string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
[string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
L = -
18x DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua:2924: attempt to call method 'ShowHide' (a nil value)
[string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2924: in functionLoadGUI' [string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function
[string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
self =
AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
FontHeight = 16
SWFNever = "Never"
HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
NoSound = "No sound"
ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
None = "None"
ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
CBTAdd = "Add"
ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
WebsiteButton = "Website"
DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal priority announcemen
AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
FontHeight = 16
SWFNever = "Never"
HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
NoSound = "No sound"
ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
None = "None"
ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
CBTAdd = "Add"
ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
WebsiteButton = "Website"
DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal priority announcemen
CreateDropdown = defined @DBM-GUI\DBM-GUI_DropDown.lua:221
CreateNewFauxScrollFrameList = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\ListFrameButtonsPrototype.lua:69
tabs =
CreateNewPanel = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:460
panels =
MixinSharedMedia3 = defined @DBM-GUI\DBM-GUI.lua:30
frameName = "General Options"
frameType = "option"
showSub = nil
_ = nil
displayName = nil
(*temporary) = defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = "Frame"
(*temporary) = "DBM_GUI_Option_"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
CreateDropdown = defined @DBM-GUI\DBM-GUI_DropDown.lua:221
CreateNewFauxScrollFrameList = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\ListFrameButtonsPrototype.lua:69
tabs =
CreateNewPanel = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:460
panels =
MixinSharedMedia3 = defined @DBM-GUI\DBM-GUI.lua:30
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'GetNewID' (a nil value)"
CreateFrame = defined =[C]:-1
PanelPrototype =
SetLastObj = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:51
CreateArea = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:438
CreateEditBox = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:168
CreateCheckButton = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:273
CreateCreatureModelFrame = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:55
CreateScrollingMessageFrame = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:147
CreateSlider = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:131
CreateLine = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:187
CreateColorSelect = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:102
CreateButton = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:83
GetLastObj = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:47
CreateText = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:67
tinsert = defined =[C]:-1
setmetatable = defined =[C]:-1
AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
FontHeight = 16
SWFNever = "Never"
HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
NoSound = "No sound"
ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
None = "None"
ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
CBTAdd = "Add"
ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
WebsiteButton = "Website"
DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal prio
AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
FontHeight = 16
SWFNever = "Never"
HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
NoSound = "No sound"
ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
None = "None"
ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
CBTAdd = "Add"
ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
WebsiteButton = "Website"
DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal prio
AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
FontHeight = 16
SWFNever = "Never"
HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
NoSound = "No sound"
ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
None = "None"
ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
CBTAdd = "Add"
ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
WebsiteButton = "Website"
DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal prio
AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
FontHeight = 16
SWFNever = "Never"
HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
NoSound = "No sound"
ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
None = "None"
ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
CBTAdd = "Add"
ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
WebsiteButton = "Website"
DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal priority announcemen
CHAT_MSG_ADDON_LOGGED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:5099
StopLogging = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:6550
FindScenarioIDs = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7540
GetNumGuildPlayersInZone = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3157
FindDungeonMapIDs = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7512
GetUnitIdFromGUID = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3396
CopyProfile = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:2062
CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_EMOTE = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:5731
shortTermEventsRegistered = 1
CHAT_MSG_WHISPER = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7244
SendPVPTimers = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7049
DeleteProfile = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:2079
DungeonMusic =
ShowUpdateReminder = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:5242
PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:5484
FireEvent = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:1709
CreateModLocalization = defined @DBM-Core\modules\objects\Localization.lua:88
SCENARIO_COMPLETED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:4035
IsEnabled = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7329
GetMyPlayerInfo = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3235
Capitalize = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7440
ADDON_LOADED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:1401
IconNumToTexture = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7506
BattleMusic =
INSTANCE_GROUP_SIZE_CHANGED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3128
AddDefeatSound = defined @DBM-Core\modules\Sounds.lua:106
GetBossUnitId = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3379
AddDefaultOptions = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3465
UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:4381
InfoFrame =
FilterRaidBossEmote = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:1239
RequestTimers = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:6948
UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:4013
CheckNearby = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3426
CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:5696
LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3943
ReleaseRevision = 20210914000000
RegisterShortTermEvents = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:1180
UnitAura = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:6878
LOADING_SCREEN_DISABLED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:4212
GetUnitFullName = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3240
FlashClientIcon = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7495
VoiceVersions =
Voices =
AddOns =
UNIT_DIED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:6913
Options =
ReceiveCombatInfo = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:6976
GetModLocalization = defined @DBM-Core\modules\objects\Localization.lua:105
PLAY_MOVIE = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7586
GetMusic = defined @DBM-Core\modules\Sounds.lua:215
Music =
RegisterCallback = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:1724
FindEncounterIDs = defined @A
Did you try having DeadlyBossMods as the only enabled addon and everything else (especially something like ElvUI) disabled? Yes, if I only leave DBM and reload UI or relog, the DBM minimap icon disappears, if I enable buggrabber and bugsack, the minimap icon reappears, but same stuff happens
Which version of DeadlyBossMods are you using?
Latest updated from curseforge, 9.1.14 alpha