DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)


Getting 10 errors

g-k-m opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug

I clicked on dbm icon on the minimap, instead of opening, it doesn't open, and errors appear

Do you have an error log of what happened?
Error list:

  1. 4x DBM-GUI\DBM-GUI-cef8c57.lua:134: Cannot find a library instance of "LibSerialize".
    [string "=[C]"]: in function error' [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua"]:38: in function LibStub'
    [string "@DBM-GUI\DBM-GUI-cef8c57.lua"]:134: in main chunk
    [string "=[C]"]: ?
    [string "=[C]"]: in function LoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function LoadGUI'
    [string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
    [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
    (*temporary) = "Cannot find a library instance of "LibSerialize"."

  2. 4x DBM-GUI\modules\options\general\Core_GUI.lua:3: attempt to index field 'Cat_General' (a nil value)
    [string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\general\Core_GUI.lua"]:3: in main chunk
    [string "=[C]"]: ?
    [string "=[C]"]: in function LoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function LoadGUI'
    [string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
    [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
    L =

    AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
    DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
    BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
    Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
    Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
    VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
    CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
    SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
    CBTAOE = "AOE"
    ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
    Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
    AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
    FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
    FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
    EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
    Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
    Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
    SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
    TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
    DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
    Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
    SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
    Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
    FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
    Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
    Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
    Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
    Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
    WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
    UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
    SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
    BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
    WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
    TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
    FontHeight = 16
    SWFNever = "Never"
    HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
    ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
    NoSound = "No sound"
    ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
    None = "None"
    ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
    SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
    BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
    Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
    SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
    FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
    BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
    SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
    FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
    Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
    Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
    FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
    KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
    CBTAdd = "Add"
    ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
    ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
    LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
    SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
    Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
    AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
    NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
    WebsiteButton = "Website"
    DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
    SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal priority announcemen

  3. 4x ...ns\DBM-GUI\modules\options\general\ExtraFeatures.lua:3: attempt to index field 'Cat_General' (a nil value)
    [string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\general\ExtraFeatures.lua"]:3: in main chunk
    [string "=[C]"]: ?
    [string "=[C]"]: in function LoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function LoadGUI'
    [string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
    [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
    L =

  4. {
    AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
    DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
    BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
    Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
    Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
    VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
    CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
    SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
    CBTAOE = "AOE"
    ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
    Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
    AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
    FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
    FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
    EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
    Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
    Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
    SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
    TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
    DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
    Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
    SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
    Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
    FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
    Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
    Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
    Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
    Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
    WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
    UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
    SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
    BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
    WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
    TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
    FontHeight = 16
    SWFNever = "Never"
    HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
    ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
    NoSound = "No sound"
    ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
    None = "None"
    ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
    SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
    BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
    Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
    SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
    FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
    BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
    SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
    FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
    Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
    Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
    FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
    KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
    CBTAdd = "Add"
    ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
    ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
    LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
    SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
    Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
    AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
    NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
    WebsiteButton = "Website"
    DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
    SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal priority announcemen

  5. 4x ...eDBM-GUI\modules\options\general\Profile.lua:10: attempt to index field 'Cat_General' (a nil value)
    [string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\general\Profile.lua"]:10: in main chunk
    [string "=[C]"]: ?
    [string "=[C]"]: in function LoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function LoadGUI'
    [string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
    [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
    L =

  6. {
    AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
    DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
    BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
    Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
    Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
    VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
    CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
    SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
    CBTAOE = "AOE"
    ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
    Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
    AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
    FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
    FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
    EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
    Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
    Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
    SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
    TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
    DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
    Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
    SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
    Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
    FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
    Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
    Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
    Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
    Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
    WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
    UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
    SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
    BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
    WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
    TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
    FontHeight = 16
    SWFNever = "Never"
    HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
    ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
    NoSound = "No sound"
    ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
    None = "None"
    ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
    SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
    BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
    Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
    SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
    FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
    BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
    SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
    FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
    Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
    Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
    FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
    KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
    CBTAdd = "Add"
    ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
    ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
    LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
    SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
    Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
    AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
    NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
    WebsiteButton = "Website"
    DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
    SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal priority announcemen

  7. 8x DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:461: attempt to call method 'GetNewID' (a nil value)
    [string "@DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua"]:461: in function CreateNewPanel' [string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\general\General-General.lua"]:3: in main chunk [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: in function LoadAddOn'
    [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function LoadGUI' [string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function OnClick'
    [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
    self =

  8. {
    CreateDropdown = defined @DBM-GUI\DBM-GUI_DropDown.lua:221
    CreateNewFauxScrollFrameList = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\ListFrameButtonsPrototype.lua:69
    tabs =
    CreateNewPanel = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:460
    panels =
    MixinSharedMedia3 = defined @DBM-GUI\DBM-GUI.lua:30
    frameName = "General Options"
    frameType = "option"
    showSub = nil
    _ = nil
    displayName = nil
    (*temporary) = defined =[C]:-1
    (*temporary) = "Frame"
    (*temporary) = "DBM_GUI_Option_"
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) =
    CreateDropdown = defined @DBM-GUI\DBM-GUI_DropDown.lua:221
    CreateNewFauxScrollFrameList = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\ListFrameButtonsPrototype.lua:69
    tabs =
    CreateNewPanel = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:460
    panels =
    MixinSharedMedia3 = defined @DBM-GUI\DBM-GUI.lua:30
    (*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'GetNewID' (a nil value)"
    CreateFrame = defined =[C]:-1
    PanelPrototype =
    SetLastObj = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:51
    CreateArea = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:438
    CreateEditBox = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:168
    CreateCheckButton = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:273
    CreateCreatureModelFrame = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:55
    CreateScrollingMessageFrame = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:147
    CreateSlider = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:131
    CreateLine = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:187
    CreateColorSelect = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:102
    CreateButton = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:83
    GetLastObj = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:47
    CreateText = defined @DBM-GUI\modules\PanelPrototype.lua:67
    tinsert = defined =[C]:-1
    setmetatable = defined =[C]:-1

  9. 4x ...Ons\DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\Announcements.lua:6: attempt to index field 'Cat_Alerts' (a nil value)
    [string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\Announcements.lua"]:6: in main chunk
    [string "=[C]"]: ?
    [string "=[C]"]: in function LoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function LoadGUI'
    [string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
    [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
    isRetail = true
    L =

  10. {
    AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
    DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
    BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
    Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
    Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
    VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
    CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
    SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
    CBTAOE = "AOE"
    ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
    Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
    AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
    FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
    FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
    EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
    Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
    Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
    SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
    TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
    DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
    Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
    SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
    Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
    FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
    Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
    Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
    Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
    Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
    WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
    UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
    SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
    BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
    WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
    TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
    FontHeight = 16
    SWFNever = "Never"
    HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
    ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
    NoSound = "No sound"
    ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
    None = "None"
    ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
    SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
    BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
    Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
    SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
    FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
    BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
    SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
    FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
    Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
    Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
    FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
    KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
    CBTAdd = "Add"
    ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
    ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
    LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
    SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
    Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
    AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
    NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
    WebsiteButton = "Website"
    DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
    SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal prio

  11. 4x ...-GUI\modules\options\alerts\SpecialAnnouncements.lua:5: attempt to index field 'Cat_Alerts' (a nil value)
    [string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\SpecialAnnouncements.lua"]:5: in main chunk
    [string "=[C]"]: ?
    [string "=[C]"]: in function LoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function LoadGUI'
    [string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
    [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
    isRetail = true
    L =

  12. {
    AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
    DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
    BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
    Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
    Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
    VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
    CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
    SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
    CBTAOE = "AOE"
    ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
    Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
    AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
    FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
    FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
    EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
    Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
    Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
    SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
    TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
    DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
    Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
    SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
    Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
    FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
    Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
    Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
    Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
    Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
    WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
    UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
    SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
    BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
    WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
    TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
    FontHeight = 16
    SWFNever = "Never"
    HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
    ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
    NoSound = "No sound"
    ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
    None = "None"
    ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
    SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
    BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
    Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
    SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
    FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
    BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
    SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
    FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
    Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
    Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
    FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
    KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
    CBTAdd = "Add"
    ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
    ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
    LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
    SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
    Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
    AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
    NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
    WebsiteButton = "Website"
    DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
    SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal prio

  13. 4x ...DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\ChatframeMessages.lua:4: attempt to index field 'Cat_Alerts' (a nil value)
    [string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\ChatframeMessages.lua"]:4: in main chunk
    [string "=[C]"]: ?
    [string "=[C]"]: in function LoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function LoadGUI'
    [string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
    [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
    isRetail = true
    L =

  14. {
    AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
    DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
    BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
    Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
    Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
    VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
    CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
    SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
    CBTAOE = "AOE"
    ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
    Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
    AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
    FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
    FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
    EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
    Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
    Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
    SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
    TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
    DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
    Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
    SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
    Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
    FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
    Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
    Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
    Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
    Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
    WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
    UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
    SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
    BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
    WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
    TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
    FontHeight = 16
    SWFNever = "Never"
    HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
    ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
    NoSound = "No sound"
    ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
    None = "None"
    ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
    SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
    BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
    Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
    SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
    FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
    BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
    SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
    FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
    Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
    Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
    FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
    KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
    CBTAdd = "Add"
    ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
    ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
    LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
    SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
    Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
    AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
    NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
    WebsiteButton = "Website"
    DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
    SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal prio

  15. 4x ...dOns\DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\SpokenAlerts.lua:3: attempt to index field 'Cat_Alerts' (a nil value)
    [string "@DBM-GUI\modules\options\alerts\SpokenAlerts.lua"]:3: in main chunk
    [string "=[C]"]: ?
    [string "=[C]"]: in function LoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2910: in function LoadGUI'
    [string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function `OnClick'
    [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
    L =

  16. {
    AreaTitle_BarSetupSmall = "Small Bar Options"
    DontShowFarWarnings = "Do not show announcements/timers for events that are far away"
    BarStartColorRole = "Start color (Role)"
    Area_EventSoundsExtras = "Event Sound Options"
    Area_ApplyProfile = "Set Active Profile for DBM Core Options"
    VoicePackChoice = "Set voice pack for spoken alerts"
    CombatOnly = "Disable in combat (any)"
    SpamBlockNoSpecWarnSound = "Do not play special announce sounds (still permits voice packs, if one is enabled in Spoken Alerts panel)"
    CBTAOE = "AOE"
    ImportErrorOn = "Custom sounds missing for setting: %s"
    Slider_BarOffSetX = "Offset X: %d"
    AreaTitle_Behavior = "Bar Behavior Options"
    FilterInterrupts3 = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always) or interrupt on CD (Boss & Trash)"
    FilterInterruptNoteName = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells (with count) if announce does not contain your name in the custom note"
    EnableModels = "Enable 3D models in boss options"
    Latency_Text = "Set max latency sync threshold: %d"
    Core_GUI = "Core & GUI"
    SWarnNameInNote = "Use Type 5 options if a special announce note contains your name"
    TabCategory_Alerts = "Alerts"
    DontShowPTCountdownText = "Do not show Pull countdown text"
    Statistic_Incompletes = "Incompletes:"
    SpecWarn_Vibrate = "Vibrate controller"
    Panel_Nameplates = "Nameplates"
    FilterInterruptsHeader = "Filter announcements for interruptable spells based on behavior preference."
    Panel_SpamFilter = "DBM Features"
    Area_DeleteProfile = "Remove Profile for DBM Core Options"
    Area_DualProfile = "Boss mod profile options"
    Area_ImportExportProfile = "Import/Export profiles"
    WorldBossAlert = "Show alert message when world bosses might have been engaged on your realm by guildies or friends (inaccurate if sender is CRZed)"
    UseDialogChannel = "Dialog audio channel."
    SelectProfileToApply = "Select profile to apply"
    BarEndColorUI = "End color (User)"
    WorldBuffAlert = "Show alert message and timer when world buff RP has been started on your realm"
    TabCategory_Frames = "Frames & Integrations"
    FontHeight = 16
    SWFNever = "Never"
    HideWatchFrame = "Hide watch (objectives) frame during boss fights if no achievements are being tracked and if not in a Mythic+"
    ShowGuildMessages = "Show engage/kill/wipe messages for guild raids in chat frame"
    NoSound = "No sound"
    ShowAllVersions = "Show boss mod versions for all group members in chat frame when doing a version check. (If disabled, still does out of date/current summery)"
    None = "None"
    ShowWarningsInChat = "Show announcements in chat frame"
    SpecWarn_FlashAlpha = "Flash alpha: %0.1f"
    BarStartColorPhase = "Start color (Stage)"
    Editbox_WindowHeight = "GUI window height"
    SpecWarn_NoSoundsWVoice = "Filter special announce sounds for announcements that also have spoken alerts..."
    FilterTrashWarnings = "Filter all trash mob announcements in normal & heroic dungeons"
    BarStyle = "Bar behavior"
    SpamBlockNoNoteSync = "Do not accept shared notes"
    FakeBW = "Pretend to be BigWigs in version checks instead of DBM (Useful for guilds that force using BigWigs)"
    Area_ProfilesSetup = "DBM Profiles usage guide"
    Bar_Height = "Bar height: %d"
    FilterInterrupts = "If caster is not current target/focus (Always)."
    KeepBar2 = "(when supported by mod)"
    CBTAdd = "Add"
    ModAllStatReset = "Reset all mod stats"
    ShowGuildMessagesPlus = "Also show Mythic+ engage/kill/wipe messages for guild groups (requires raid option)"
    LFDEnhance = "Play ready check sound and flash application icon for role checks & BG/LFG proposals in Master or Dialog audio channel (I.E. sounds work even if SFX are off and are generally louder)"
    SelectModProfileCopy = "Copy all settings from"
    Area_EventSoundsFilters = "Event Sound Filter Conditions"
    AutoReplySound = "Play alert sound and flash application icon when receiving DBM auto reply whisper"
    NPAuraSize = "Aura Pixel size (squared): %d"
    WebsiteButton = "Website"
    DontShowPTText = "Do not show announce text for Pull/Break Timer"
    SpecialWarnHeader1 = "Type 1: Set options for normal priority announcemen

  17. 18x DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua:2924: attempt to call method 'ShowHide' (a nil value)
    [string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-cef8c57.lua"]:2924: in function LoadGUI' [string "@DBM-Core\modules\MinimapButton.lua"]:27: in function OnClick'
    [string "@BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0-44.lua"]:144: in function <BugSack\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:142>
    self =

  18. {
    CHAT_MSG_ADDON_LOGGED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:5099
    StopLogging = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:6550
    FindScenarioIDs = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7540
    GetNumGuildPlayersInZone = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3157
    FindDungeonMapIDs = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7512
    GetUnitIdFromGUID = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3396
    CopyProfile = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:2062
    CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_EMOTE = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:5731
    shortTermEventsRegistered = 1
    CHAT_MSG_WHISPER = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7244
    SendPVPTimers = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7049
    DeleteProfile = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:2079
    DungeonMusic =
    ShowUpdateReminder = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:5242
    PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:5484
    FireEvent = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:1709
    CreateModLocalization = defined @DBM-Core\modules\objects\Localization.lua:88
    SCENARIO_COMPLETED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:4035
    IsEnabled = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7329
    GetMyPlayerInfo = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3235
    Capitalize = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7440
    ADDON_LOADED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:1401
    IconNumToTexture = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7506
    BattleMusic =
    INSTANCE_GROUP_SIZE_CHANGED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3128
    AddDefeatSound = defined @DBM-Core\modules\Sounds.lua:106
    GetBossUnitId = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3379
    AddDefaultOptions = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3465
    UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:4381
    InfoFrame =
    FilterRaidBossEmote = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:1239
    RequestTimers = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:6948
    UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:4013
    CheckNearby = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3426
    CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:5696
    LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3943
    ReleaseRevision = 20210914000000
    RegisterShortTermEvents = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:1180
    UnitAura = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:6878
    LOADING_SCREEN_DISABLED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:4212
    GetUnitFullName = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3240
    FlashClientIcon = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7495
    VoiceVersions =
    Voices =
    AddOns =
    UNIT_DIED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:6913
    Options =
    ReceiveCombatInfo = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:6976
    GetModLocalization = defined @DBM-Core\modules\objects\Localization.lua:105
    PLAY_MOVIE = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:7586
    GetMusic = defined @DBM-Core\modules\Sounds.lua:215
    PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:3975
    Music =
    RegisterCallback = defined @DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:1724
    FindEncounterIDs = defined @A

    Did you try having DeadlyBossMods as the only enabled addon and everything else (especially something like ElvUI) disabled? Yes, if I only leave DBM and reload UI or relog, the DBM minimap icon disappears, if I enable buggrabber and bugsack, the minimap icon reappears, but same stuff happens

    Which version of DeadlyBossMods are you using?
    Latest updated from curseforge, 9.1.14 alpha


Fixed as of the latest alpha :)