DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)


Error in Hellfire Citadel

voxem opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When entering Hellfire Citadel, I get the following error. I've just updated both DBM-Core and DBM-WoD.

5x DBM-HellfireCitadel\Zakuun.lua:104: attempt to concatenate field 'MIDDLE' (a nil value)
[string "@DBM-HellfireCitadel\Zakuun.lua"]:104: in main chunk
[string "=[C]"]: in function 'LoadAddOn'
[string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-b3daef8.lua"]:3480: in function 'LoadMod'
[string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-b3daef8.lua"]:3423: in function 'LoadModsOnDemand'
[string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-b3daef8.lua"]:3361: in function 'func'
[string "@DBM-Core\modules\Scheduler.lua"]:171: in function <DBM-Core\modules\Scheduler.lua:162>

mod = <table> {
 timers = <table> {
 categorySort = <table> {
 instanceId = 669
 modelId = 61830
 SyncThreshold = 8
 numBoss = 1
 inCombatOnlyEvents = <table> {
 modId = "DBM-HellfireCitadel"
 groupSpells = <table> {
 dropdowns = <table> {
 combatInfo = <table> {
 respawnTime = 30
 zones = <table> {
 revision = 20220116041913
 Options = <table> {
 DefaultOptions = <table> {
 id = "1391"
 usedIcons = <table> {
 encounterId = 1777
 creatureId = 89890
 addon = <table> {
 groupOptions = <table> {
 specwarns = <table> {
 iconRestore = <table> {
 localization = <table> {
 announces = <table> {
 vb = <table> {
 optionCategories = <table> {
L = <table> {
 DBMConfigMsg = "Seed configuration set to %s to match raid leaders configuration."
 BWConfigMsg = "Raid leader is using Bigwigs, DBM automatically configured to use Numbered."
 name = "Fel Lord Zakuun"
warnLatentEnergy = <table> {
 type = "target"
 spellId = 182008
 option = "announceother182008target"
 color = <table> {
 text = "Latent Energy on >%s<"
 announceType = "target"
 combinedcount = 0
 mod = <table> {
 combinedtext = <table> {
 sound = 1
 icon = 136130
 spellName = "Latent Energy"
warnEnrage = <table> {
 type = "spell"
 spellId = 179681
 option = "announce179681spell"
 color = <table> {
 text = "Enrage"
 announceType = "spell"
 combinedcount = 0
 mod = <table> {
 combinedtext = <table> {
 sound = 2
 icon = 136216
 spellName = "Enrage"
warnRumblingFissure = <table> {
 type = "count"
 spellId = 179582
 option = "announce179582count"
 color = <table> {
 text = "Rumbling Fissure (%s)"
 announceType = "count"
 combinedcount = 0
 mod = <table> {
 combinedtext = <table> {
 sound = 1
 icon = 1118738
 spellName = "Rumbling Fissure"
warnBefouled = <table> {
 type = "targetcount"
 spellId = 179711
 option = "announceother179711targetcount"
 color = <table> {
 text = "Befouled (%s) on >%s<"
 announceType = "targetcount"
 combinedcount = 0
 mod = <table> {
 combinedtext = <table> {
 sound = 1
 icon = 136160
 spellName = "Befouled"
warnDisembodied = <table> {
 type = "targetcount"
 spellId = 179407
 option = "announceother179407targetcount"
 color = <table> {
 text = "Disembodied (%s) on >%s<"
 announceType = "targetcount"
 combinedcount = 0
 mod = <table> {
 combinedtext = <table> {
 sound = 1
 icon = 236223
 spellName = "Disembodied"
warnSeedofDestruction = <table> {
 type = "targetcount"
 spellId = 181508
 option = "announceother181508targetcount"
 color = <table> {
 text = "Seed of Destruction (%s) on >%s<"
 announceType = "targetcount"
 combinedcount = 0
 mod = <table> {
 combinedtext = <table> {
 sound = 1
 icon = 136193
 spellName = "Seed of Destruction"
specWarnWakeofDestruction = <table> {
 voiceOptionId = "Voice181499"
 hasVoice = 2
 spellId = 181499
 icon = 571559
 option = "SpecWarn181499spell"
 text = "Wake of Destruction!"
 flash = 2
 combinedcount = 0
 mod = <table> {
 announceType = "spell"
 type = "spell"
 combinedtext = <table> {
 sound = true
 spellName = "Wake of Destruction"
specWarnDisarmedEnd = <table> {
 type = "ends"
 spellId = 179667
 option = "SpecWarn179667ends"
 text = "Disarmed ended"
 icon = 132343
 flash = 1
 combinedcount = 0
 mod = <table> {
 announceType = "ends"
 combinedtext = <table> {
 sound = true
 spellName = "Disarmed"
specWarnSoulCleave = <table> {
 voiceOptionId = "Voice179406"
 hasVoice = 5
 spellId = 179406
 icon = 132338
 option = "SpecWarn179406count"
 text = "Soul Cleave! (%s)"
 flash = 1
 combinedcount = 0
 mod = <table> {
 announceType = "count"
 type = "count"
 combinedtext = <table> {
 sound = true
 spellName = "Soul Cleave"
specWarnDisembodiedYou = <table> {
 type = "you"
 spellId = 179407
 option = "SpecWarn179407you"
 text = "Disembodied on you"
 icon = 236223
 flash = 1
 combinedcount = 0
 mod = <table> {
 announceType = "you"
 combinedtext = <table> {
 sound = true
 spellName = "Disembodied"
specWarnDisembodied = <table> {
 type = "taunt"
 spellId = 179407
 option = "Sp

Nevermind, fixed in just released r61.