DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)


LUA Error when trying to use Silverdragon's macro - but shows a DBM LUA error

Wyr3d opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the bug

Was attempting to run a rare scan using Silverdragon. It should have done nothing, unless a rare was neary.

Instead it popped up with "You are attempting to run a custom script, blah blah warning blah"

Accepting the script despite warning popped up with the lua error below, that is DBM based. Oddly there is no problem on another account, just this one.

Do you have an error log of what happened?

Date: 2022-10-31 17:06:47
ID: 1
Error occured in: AddOn: DBM-Core
Count: 1
Message: Error: AddOn DBM-Core attempted to call a forbidden function (SetAllowDangerousScripts()) from a tainted execution path.
[string "=[C]"]: SetAllowDangerousScripts()
[string "@..\FrameXML\StaticPopup.lua"]:4165: OnAccept()
[string "@..\FrameXML\StaticPopup.lua"]:5228: StaticPopup_OnClick()
[string ":OnClick"]:1:
[string "


Seems like another DragonFlight taint issue. Isn't much we can do to resolve this sadly.


This was on Classic WotLK though, and as I said - it works fine for my main account, just the spare has this problem.

Imma back up the addon, and try reinstalling