DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)


Lua error on yogg all of the sudden

seskobrodo opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Started getting this error on yogg 25 man WOTLK:


I implimented new code that'd avoid error but not actually fix core issue, ie if you reload mid fight it'll still break timers/stage detections sometimes. like you might get portal timers in stage 3 cause you reloaded mid fight and mod doesn't know it's stage 3, BUT it'll fail silently now.


Did you reload UI in middle of fight for some reason? Not much i can' do about this error if you do that. conditionals like what phase you're in are set on the pull and on phase changes and if you reload UI middle of fight you erase those varaibles. they are eventually recovered from other players but if those conditionals are needed BEFORE recovery completes (can take up to 10 seconds), the whole mod breals


I might have reloaded during the fight yes, though if I remember correctly, it happened again after wipe without reloading but I will check for certain on Sunday when I record everything. I forgot to record this time!