DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)


HeadlessHorseman - attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'ignitingCount' (a nil value)

Malivil opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug
2023 Headless Horseman encounter. 3-5 times during the fight this error will occur

Do you have an error log of what happened?
Message: ...AddOns/DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:93: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'ignitingCount' (a nil value)
Time: Thu Oct 19 09:46:19 2023
Count: 2
Stack: ...AddOns/DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:93: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'ignitingCount' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua"]:93: in function `handler'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:1061: in function <Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:1048>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:1061: in function <Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:1048>

Locals: self =

stats =
SyncThreshold = 8
numBoss = 1
ignoreBestkill = false
modId = "DBM-WorldEvents"
engagedDiffText = "Event - "
revision = 20231019035830
DefaultOptions =
iconRestore =
OnCombatStart = defined @Interface/AddOns/DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:54
engagedDiffIndex = 19
SPELL_DAMAGE = defined @Interface/AddOns/DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:108
localization =
announces =
subTab = 1
SPELL_MISSED = defined @Interface/AddOns/DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:108
categorySort =
groupSpells =
GOSSIP_SHOW = defined @Interface/AddOns/DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:116
inCombat = true
engagedDiff = "event5"
zones =
combatInfo =
Options =
inCombatOnlyEventsRegistered = 1
addon =
SPELL_CAST_START = defined @Interface/AddOns/DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:65
specwarns =
timers =
encounterId = 2725
groupOptions =
SPELL_AURA_APPLIED = defined @Interface/AddOns/DBM-WorldEvents/Holidays/HeadlessHorseman.lua:98
optionCategories =
creatureId = 207438
id = "d285"
vb =
inCombatOnlyEvents =
args =
sourceName = "Headless Horseman"
destFlags = -2147483648
spellId = 415047
spellName = "Vine March"
sourceRaidFlags = 0
destRaidFlags = -2147483648
destGUID = ""
timestamp = 1697723179.208000
sourceFlags = 68168
sourceGUID = "Vehicle-0-4254-1004-4666-207438-00003132D9"
spellId = 415047
timer = 20.600000
(*temporary) = defined @Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:10218
(*temporary) =
spellId = 415047
icon = 415052
type = "cdcount"
simpType = "cd"
id = "Timer415047cdcount"
option = "Timer415047cdcount"
startedTimers =
colorType = 1
name = "Vine March"
mod =
timer = 41.400000
(*temporary) = 20.600000
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 415047
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'ignitingCount' (a nil value)"
specWarnInsidiousCackle =
voiceOptionId = "Voice415262"
hasVoice = 2
spellId = 415262
icon = 136185
option = "SpecWarn415262moveaway"
text = "Insidious Cackle - move away from others"
flash = 1
combinedcount = 0
mod =
announceType = "moveaway"
type = "moveaway"
combinedtext =
sound = true
spellName = "Insidious Cackle"
allTimers =
414844 =
415262 =
415047 =
423626 =
timerInsidiousCackleCD =
spellId = 415262
icon = 136185
type = "cdcount"
simpType = "cd"
id = "Timer415262cdcount"
option = "Timer415262cdcount"
startedTimers =
colorType = 2
name = "Insidious Cackle"
mod =
timer = 41.400000
specWarnPumpkinBreath =
voiceOptionId = "Voice414844"
hasVoice = 2
spellId = 414844
icon = 524795
option = "SpecWarn414844dodgecount"
text = "Pumpkin Breath (%s) - dodge attack"
flash = 2
combinedcount = 0
mod =
announceType = "dodgecount"
type = "dodge

To Reproduce

  1. Join Headless Horseman event in LFG
  2. Start the event
  3. 3-5 times during the event, this error will happen


Did you try having DeadlyBossMods as the only enabled addon and everything else (especially something like ElvUI) disabled?

Which version of DeadlyBossMods are you using?

Was it working in a previous version? If yes, which was the last good one?
Error didn't occur previously but I think this version is the first with the updated event

Additional context


Hiya. This is fixed in the latest alpha :)