


Classic: FontString:SetFont() error and missing Deathalert setting

Oransj opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I have had this bug for a while, well ever since i got the addon and restarted my game. I have tried reinstalling the addon, i have also deleted the settings and tried setting it again. It works until changing the settings and restarting.

Message: FontString:SetFont(): Arguments: ("font", fontHeight [, flags])
Time: Tue Sep 12 11:29:57 2023
Count: 1
Stack: FontString:SetFont(): Arguments: ("font", fontHeight [, flags])
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetFont'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Deathlog/Widgets/DeathAlert/widget.lua"]:732: in function `Deathlog_DeathAlertWidget_applySettings'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Deathlog/deathlog.lua"]:74: in function <Interface/AddOns/Deathlog/deathlog.lua:69>
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Deathlog/deathlog.lua"]:144: in function <Interface/AddOns/Deathlog/deathlog.lua:115>

Locals: (*temporary) = FontString {
 0 = <userdata>
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 10


Settings I use:

deathlog_settings = {
	["Heatmap Indicator"] = {
		["size_x"] = 40,
		["show_value"] = false,
		["enable"] = false,
		["size_y"] = 40,
		["pos_y"] = 0,
		["pos_x"] = 0,
	["Creature Ranking Tooltip"] = {
		["enable_avg_lvl"] = true,
		["enable_crt"] = true,
		["crt_metric"] = "Normalized Score",
	["DeathAlert"] = {
		["font_color_r"] = 1,
		["display_time"] = 3,
		["enable"] = true,
		["fire_message"] = "<name> the <race> <class> has died from fire.\n at lvl <level> in <zone>.",
		["accent_color_g"] = 1,
		["min_lvl"] = 1,
		["font_color_b"] = 1,
		["max_lvl"] = 60,
		["alert_sound"] = "None",
		["min_lvl_player"] = false,
		["fall_message"] = "<name> the <race> <class> fell to\ndeath at lvl <level> in <zone>.",
		["accent_color_r"] = 1,
		["lava_message"] = "<name> the <race> <class> drowned in lava.\n at lvl <level> in <zone>.",
		["pos_x"] = 0,
		["font_color_a"] = 1,
		["message"] = "<name> the <race> <class> has been slain\nby <source> at lvl <level> in <zone>.",
		["size_x"] = 600,
		["drown_message"] = "<name> the <race> <class> drowned\n at lvl <level> in <zone>.",
		["accent_color_b"] = 1,
		["size_y"] = 200,
		["slime_message"] = "<name> the <race> <class> has died from slime.\n at lvl <level> in <zone>.",
		["font_size"] = 12,
		["fatigue_message"] = "<name> the <race> <class> has died from fatigue.\n at lvl <level> in <zone>.",
		["font"] = "SpicyRice",
		["style"] = "boss_banner_enemy_icon_small",
		["accent_color_a"] = 1,
		["guild_only"] = false,
		["font_color_g"] = 1,
		["pos_y"] = 325,
		["alert_subset"] = "faction_wide",
	["minilog"] = {
		["title_color_a"] = 1,
		["entry_font_size"] = 14,
		["title_color_b"] = 0,
		["title_color_g"] = 0.8196079134941101,
		["title_y_offset"] = 0,
		["show_icon"] = true,
		["pos_x"] = 470,
		["title_font_size"] = 19,
		["size_x"] = 255,
		["entry_x_offset"] = 0,
		["font"] = "blei00d",
		["title_x_offset"] = 0,
		["pos_y"] = -100,
		["border_alpha"] = 1,
		["title_color_r"] = 1,
		["enable"] = true,
		["tooltip_class"] = true,
		["max_lvl"] = 60,
		["tooltip_race"] = true,
		["tooltip_name"] = true,
		["hide_subtitle_heading"] = false,
		["theme"] = "None",
		["entry_y_offset"] = 0,
		["columns"] = {
			"Name", -- [1]
			"Class", -- [2]
			"Race", -- [3]
			"Lvl", -- [4]
		["tooltip_lastwords"] = true,
		["entry_font"] = "blei00d",
		["tooltip_guild"] = true,
		["size_y"] = 125,
		["tooltip_zone"] = true,
		["tooltip_killedby"] = true,
		["tooltip_date"] = true,
		["presets"] = "Yazpad",
		["show_title"] = true,
		["min_lvl"] = 1,
		["tooltip_loc"] = true,
	["Heatmap WorldMap Overlay"] = {
		["enable"] = true,
		["show_checkbox_on_map"] = true,
deathlog_data = {
dev_precomputed_general_stats = nil
dev_precomputed_log_normal_params = nil
dev_precomputed_skull_locs = nil
dev_class_data = nil

Hey @Oransj what version were you running?


Hi, I am using what i believe to be the latest version from 9/12/2023. I did first encounter this on 9/5/2023 version