Dejunk (Sell & Destroy Junk)

Dejunk (Sell & Destroy Junk)


[Request] Comma separator support for importing IDs

zeenk opened this issue · 2 comments


Would it be possible to also include comma as a valid separator when importing ids?
I was copying all the fated fortune card ids from Wowhead and their export system is using commas so I could not import the string they gave me so had to go into Notepad++ and do a "replace all , with ;" which was fine for me but would be nice for others that don't know how to do that so they don't have to change the separators 1 by 1 if they also want to import ids from Wowhead😄



Oh wow that was quick, I tried the changes you made and can confirm it works, thanks! :)


It was a good idea and a very easy change to make, so thank you for that!