[Bug] Can't destroy 1 specific item with Dejunk
zeenk opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Tried to add this item to Dejunk but it wouldn't let me add it for some reason https://www.wowhead.com/item=169687/fragment-of-zemlans-lost-treasure-map
I can destroy it if I do it myself though, but not through Dejunk.
I see these items that has the same border can't actually be manually destroyed so that's maybe why it was blocked in Dejunk
Yep. Dejunk only allows for specific item qualities to be added, and all others are denied (i.e., Legendary, Artifact, and WoWToken). As far as I know, there isn't a way to check if an item can actually be destroyed or not, so I just based it on item quality.
Lines 187 to 208 in 0082ae9