Advanced Death Logs (Details! Plugin)

Advanced Death Logs (Details! Plugin)


Curseforge package for v11.0.0.123 contains truncated file

AySz88 opened this issue · 4 comments


Somehow this release of v11.0.0.123 contains a Details_DeathGraphs.lua that is truncated after about 200 lines, causing the addon to fail to load.

There are actually two packages for this version. The "older" one appears to correspond to the "Release AddOn" Github Action on this repository. The "newer" v11.0.0.123 is the one that has the issue.


A similar race condition almost caused issues with the Details! Time Line plugin on July 24, when the Release AddOn Github Action for builds 122 and 123 both ran simultaneously, as well as what I'll call the "mystery packager" on build 123.

The Github Action for build 122 finished later than 123, making it "newer" on CurseForge for a time.

Fortunately, the mystery packager then finished with 123 (and seems to have functioned correctly), making that one newest again.

Among addons I checked, these have the mysterious duplicate packages:

  • Details! and most plugins:
    • Advanced Death Logs (until recently)
    • Chart Viewer
    • Time Line
    • Target Caller
  • World Quest Tracker
  • AddOns CPU Usage
  • Auto Seller (SYH)

These do not have duplicates:

  • Raid Assist
  • Flash Taskbar
  • Script Library
  • Frame Inspect

These don't have duplicates, but also do not appear to use the same release workflow

  • Plater
  • the Details! framework/library
  • Cast Log (Details! plugin)

The package created by Github Actions:

  • Gives text files Windows line endings.
  • Parses commits to CHANGELOG.txt, which it then uses in deployment.
  • Appears to include but does not modify CHANGES.txt. (In fact, the Details! plugin has an old CHANGES.txt from 2020.)

The mystery packager:

  • Produces Unix line endings.
  • Outputs git's commit log into a CHANGES.txt which it then bundles with the addon.

Perhaps a copy of the packager was set to run locally (like in these directions) and was scripted to run on push?

The main Details! addon has a different bug causing extra releases in its GitHub Action configuration, which seems unrelated. I reported it as Tercioo/Details-Damage-Meter#799.


Please tell me, for what purposes is each new version of the addon added to the CurseForge client with two files of different sizes, but under the same version number? Each pair has a full-fledged Details_Death Graphs.lua and a cropped one. In the case of version 123, the cropped lua turned out to be in the zip file above in the installation list and the CurseForge client installed this version, resulting in terrible errors. Reinstalling the version from the second line fixed the situation, but the CurseForge client is now eager to update the addon, because, in his opinion, there is a newer version. The same situation is with other addons: World Quest Tracker, Details!, but there the correct zip file turned out to be higher than the evil "twin")
2024-07-25 182522
