Details! Damage Meter: Chart Viewer (plugin)


lua errors in tww

masterkain opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I always used this plugin but in tww it has always been broken, I'll report here the lua errors I have as I gather them.

4x Details/Libs/DF/charts.lua:1463: attempt to compare two nil values
[string "=[C]"]: in function `sort'
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/charts.lua"]:1463: in function `Plot'
[string "@Details_ChartViewer/frames_charts.lua"]:191: in function `RefreshGraphic'
[string "@Details_ChartViewer/frames_tabs.lua"]:149: in function `TabClick'
[string "@Details_ChartViewer/frames_tabs.lua"]:123: in function `TabRefresh'
[string "@Details_ChartViewer/Details_ChartViewer.lua"]:287: in function `RefreshWindow'
[string "@Details_ChartViewer/Details_ChartViewer.lua"]:292: in function `OpenWindow'
[string "@Details_ChartViewer/Details_ChartViewer.lua"]:502: in function <...eDetails_ChartViewer/Details_ChartViewer.lua:501>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua"]:4696: in function `CoreDispatch'
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/button.lua"]:740: in function <Details/Libs/DF/button.lua:676>
2x Details/Libs/DF/charts.lua:1400: bad argument #1 to 'SetText' (Usage: self:SetText([text]))
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/charts.lua"]:1400: in function `UpdateChartNamesIndicator'
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/charts.lua"]:1498: in function `Plot'
[string "@Details_ChartViewer/frames_charts.lua"]:191: in function `RefreshGraphic'
[string "@Details_ChartViewer/frames_tabs.lua"]:149: in function `TabClick'
[string "@Details_ChartViewer/frames_tabs.lua"]:123: in function `TabRefresh'
[string "@Details_ChartViewer/Details_ChartViewer.lua"]:287: in function `RefreshWindow'
[string "@Details_ChartViewer/Details_ChartViewer.lua"]:292: in function `OpenWindow'
[string "@Details_ChartViewer/Details_ChartViewer.lua"]:502: in function <...eDetails_ChartViewer/Details_ChartViewer.lua:501>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua"]:4696: in function `CoreDispatch'
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/button.lua"]:740: in function <Details/Libs/DF/button.lua:676>

self = ChartViewerWindowFrameChartFrame {
 nextChartselframe = 1
 xAxisDataValues = <table> {
 lineNameIndicators = <table> {
 amountOfBackgroundProcess = 0
 maxValue = 1727689
 minValue = 0
 xAxisLabelsYOffset = -9
 nextBackdropIndicator = 1
 xAxisLabels = <table> {
 backdropIndicators = <table> {
 smoothnessLevel = 0
 axisCreated = true
 chartLeftOffset = 48
 xAxisLine = ChartViewerWindowFrameChartFramePlotFrameXAxisLine {
 yAxisLine = ChartViewerWindowFrameChartFramePlotFrameYAxisLine {
 chartBottomOffset = 28
 yAxisLabels = <table> {
 xAxisDataNumber = 87.258000
 xAxisDataType = "time"
 lineThickness = 3
 chartFrames = <table> {
 biggestDataValue = 86
 nextChartFrame = 2
 plotFrame = ChartViewerWindowFrameChartFramePlotFrame {
allCharts = <table> {
 1 = ChartViewerWindowFrameChartFrameChartFrame1 {
 2 = ChartViewerWindowFrameChartFrameChartFrame2 {
 3 = ChartViewerWindowFrameChartFrameChartFrame3 {
allChartsAmount = 1
nameIndicatorIndex = 1
(for index) = 1
(for limit) = 1
(for step) = -1
i = 1
chartFrame = ChartViewerWindowFrameChartFrameChartFrame1 {
 fixedLineWidth = 10.152863
 amountOfBackgroundProcess = 0
 maxValue = 1727689
 minValue = 0
 data = <table> {
 xAxisLabelsYOffset = -6
 nextBackdropIndicator = 1
 chartName = <table> {
 depth = 1
 xAxisLabels = <table> {
 backdropIndicators = <table> {
 yAxisLabels = <table> {
 chartBottomOffset = 48
 xAxisDataType = "number"
 smoothnessLevel = 0
 height = 527.882996
 xAxisDataValues = <table> {
 xAxisDataNumber = 0
 chartLeftOffset = 48
 lines = <table> {
 color = <table> {
 nextLine = 51
 _dataInfo = <table> {
 lineThickness = 3
 plotFrame = ChartViewerWindowFrameChartFrameChartFrame1PlotFrame {
 width = 922.146301
chartName = <table> {
 1 = 1
 2 = 1
 3 = 1
red = 1
green = 1
blue = 1
alpha = 1
thisIndicator = ChartViewerWindowFrameChartFrameLineNameIndicator1 {
 Label = ChartViewerWindowFrameChartFrameLineNameIndicator1Label {
 Texture = ChartViewerWindowFrameChartFrameLineNameIndicator1Texture {
detailsFramework = <table> {
 DropDownCounter = 673140
 internalFunctions = <table> {
 SavedVars = <table> {
 AdjustmentSliderOptions = <table> {
 PanelCounter = 673138
 PictureNameCounter = 673229
 ClientLanguage = "enUS"
 DefaultMetaFunctionsSet = <table> {
 ScriptHookMixin = <table> {
 UnitFrameFunctions = <table> {
 BackdropUtil = <table> {
 CooldownsExternals = <table> {
 SpecListByClass = <table> {
 InsidePointsToAnchor = <table> {
 strings = <table> {
 button_templates = <table> {
 HeaderMixin = <table> {
 BuildYear = 2024
 font_templates = <table> {
 embeds = <table> {
 ChartFrameMixin = <table> {
 TooltipHandlerMixin = <table> {
 FrameMixin = <table> {
 SortFunctions = <table> {
 BarNameCounter = 673137
 LayeredRegionMetaFunctionsGet = <table> {
 KeybindMixin = <table> {
 EditorMixin = <table> {
 TabContainerFrameMixin = <table> {
 TabContainerMixin = <table> {
 PotionIDs = <table> {
 SimplePanelCounter = 673137
 PayloadMixin = <table> {
 ClassSpecIds = <table> {
 Math = <table> {
 IconGenericMixin = <table> {
 DefaultSecureScriptEnvironmentHandle = <table> {
 IconMixin = <table> {
 SideIsCorner = <table> {
 ShouldCenterAlign = <table> {
 CastFrameFunctions = <table> {
 AuthorInfo = <table> {
 PowerFrameFunctions = <table> {
 SwitchCounter = 673139
 debug = false
 WeaponEnchantIds = <table> {
 StatusBarFunctions = <table> {
 HeaderFunctions = <table> {
 GrowDirectionBySide = <table> {
 FlaskIDs = <table> {
 OptionsFrameMixin = <table> {
 ListboxFunctions = <table> {
 ClassIndexToFileName = <table> {
 NewsFrameFunctions = <table> {
 TimeLineElapsedTimeFunctions = <table> {
 Exp = 11
 PlayerHasCombatFlag = false
 ClassFileNameToIndex = <table> {
 RegisteredScriptsComm = <table> {
 TitleFunctions = <table> {
 SpellRangeCheckListBySpec = <table> {
 dversion = 569
 DataScrollFunctions = <table> {