Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


Reset button click does not work with "Click to Open Menus" (BCC)

derrickb opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Game and Details! version
Details! Version: BCC29
Game Version: 2.5.2

Describe the bug

  • Steps to Reproduce (what did you do to make the bug happen):
    Have 'Disable Reset Button Click' turned off
    Have 'Click to Open Menus' turned on
    Click the reset button

  • Result (what happens when you follow the steps above):
    The reset menu is opened

  • Expected (what you think the expected behavior would be when following the steps):
    Clicking the reset button results in a reset without needing to select an option from the menu, even when "Click to Open Menus" is enabled

Suggested functionality
There is a clear conflict here where the user wants to click buttons to open menus, but may also want to be able to reset data with a simple click as well, without opening the menu.

A solution would be to utilize the mouse right-click for one of these actions. Ie:
User can left-click reset button to reset data, and right-click the button to open the reset menu.

There is already some precedent for this, as right-clicking the segments button results in the menu opening.


Hello, the goal of Disable Reset Button Click option is avoid miss click on reset button.
To reset data without having to click and open the menu, you may create a macro with:
/run Details:ResetSegmentData()