Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


Auto Hide doesn't work with Mouse Interaction enabled

tom-etchells opened this issue ยท 0 comments


If mouse interaction is enabled (on hover alpha at 1 and no interaction alpha at 0 for me) then the auto hide options (e.g. auto hide alpha at 100% when in a group or in combat) do not work properly. They will work until you mouseover the window, then when you stop interacting it will go to the 'No Interaction' alpha rather than the current 'Combat Alpha' values.

Ideally for me, the Auto Hide alphas would take priority over the Mouse Interaction ones. Or there would at least be an option for which one should take priority.

It seems this is controlled in the function 'SetWindowAlphaForInteract' by the if statement on line 4974 of window_main.lua:

if (self.combat_changes_alpha and self.combat_changes_alpha ~= 1) then --> combat alpha

whose logic will always return false and thus never set the 'Combat Alpha' when you stop interacting. By changing the '~=' to '==' (or just leaving the statement at 'if self.combat_changes_alpha then') the desired behaviour is enabled.

This seems like it may be an intentional decision to make sure Mouse Interaction alpha is prioritised but as I mentioned, a user option to decide which takes priority would be nice.