[TBC][API][BUG] Player Aura data missing for somecase
tywtyw2002 opened this issue · 3 comments
Before Start!
Make sure the bug also happen when Details! is the only addon enabled.
Game and Details! version
Use /details to grab these two.
Details!: GAME VERSION: 2.5.4
Describe the bug
- Steps to Reproduce (what did you do to make the bug happen):
In some cases, some player's aura data is missing from the API while do the scripttooltip code
. The other player's aura data are fine.
The following are 2 dumped table for player.
[15:38] flag_original 1300
[15:38] resource 0.147086
[15:38] targets table: 0x7fae3a0a7c70
[15:38] pets table: 0x7fae3a0a7cc0
[15:38] powertype 0
[15:38] aID 4728-03B45A18
[15:38] totalover 0.007407
[15:38] __index table: 0x7fae33997190
[15:38] alternatepower 0.063384
[15:38] spells table: 0x7fae3a0a7d10
[15:38] nome Älice
[15:38] spec 266
[15:38] grupo true
[15:38] displayName Älice
[15:38] classe WARLOCK
[15:38] tipo 3
[15:38] total 330672.063384
[15:38] last_event 0
[15:38] boss_fight_component true
[15:38] passiveover 0.007407
[15:38] serial Player-4728-03B45A18
[15:38] received 349632.063384
[15:39] flag_original 1300
[15:39] resource 0.142256
[15:39] targets table: 0x7fae3a0a7fe0
[15:39] pets table: 0x7fae3a0a8030
[15:39] powertype 0
[15:39] aID 4728-03611CD2
[15:39] totalover 0.004181
[15:39] __index table: 0x7fae33997190
[15:39] alternatepower 0.06444
[15:39] spells table: 0x7fae3a0a8080
[15:39] nome Drusk
[15:39] spec 253
[15:39] grupo true
[15:39] displayName Drusk
[15:39] classe HUNTER
[15:39] tipo 3
[15:39] total 43675.06444
[15:39] last_event 0
[15:39] boss_fight_component true
[15:39] passiveover 0.004181
[15:39] serial Player-4728-03611CD2
[15:39] received 70239.06444
I'm going to require some more information from you.
If I'm correct, you say that you're writing a Custom Script, and attempting to use stuff in the Tooltip Code section.
In your Search Script, what type of actors are being added to your custom container? DAMAGE? MISC? HEAL?
What value on the actors are you trying to look at in the Tooltip Code? .spells? .total?
Please give more information total about everything related to your script.
Yes, the custom script.
In somecase the tooltip script cannot get the aura(misc)
info from the player
object. As far as I know, the player use Restore Mana(28499)
and (Haste(28507)
or Destruction(28508)
) together.
If people only use Haste(28507)
the aura(misc)
info could get from player
To retrieve the misc need get it from the combat object
local buff_player = combat:GetActor(4, player.nome)
local buff_uptime_container = buff_player.buff_uptime_spells and buff_player.buff_uptime_spells._ActorTable
Tooltip Script (work the version)
local player, combat, instance = ...
[17528] = true, -- Mighty Rage 强效怒气
[28494] = true, -- Insane Strength Potion 疯狂力量药水
[28506] = true, -- Potion of Heroes 英雄药水
[28507] = true, -- Haste 加速
[28508] = true, -- Destruction 毁灭
[28511] = true, -- Fire Protection 防护火焰
[28512] = true, -- Frost Protection 防护冰霜
[28513] = true, -- Nature Protection 防护自然
[28536] = true, -- Arcane Protection 奥术防护
[28537] = true, -- Shadow Protection 防护暗影
[28538] = true, -- Holy Protection 防护神圣
[28515] = true, -- Ironshield 铁盾
[28495] = 22829, -- Healing Potion 治疗药水
[28499] = 22832, -- Restore Mana 恢复法力
[28517] = 22850, -- Rejuvenation Potion 活力药水
[45051] = 34440, -- "Mad Alchemist's Potion" 疯狂炼金师药水
local function debug_t(t)
for k, v in pairs(t) do
print(k, v)
--get the misc actor container
local buff_player = combat:GetActor(4, player.nome)
local buff_uptime_container = buff_player.buff_uptime_spells and buff_player.buff_uptime_spells._ActorTable
-- local buff_uptime_container = player.buff_uptime_spells and player.buff_uptime_spells._ActorTable
if (buff_uptime_container) then
for spellId, _ in pairs (TBC_POTION_BUFF_IDS) do
local potionUsed = buff_uptime_container [spellId]
if (potionUsed) then
local name, _, icon = GetSpellInfo (spellId)
--print(name, potionUsed)
GameCooltip:AddLine (name, potionUsed.activedamt)
GameCooltip:AddIcon (icon, 1, 1, _detalhes.tooltip.line_height, _detalhes.tooltip.line_height)
local spell_container = player.spells and player.spells._ActorTable
if (spell_container) then
for spellId, itemID in pairs (TBC_POTION_SPELL_IDS) do
local potionUsed = spell_container [spellId]
if (potionUsed) then
local name, _, _, _, _, _, _,_, _, icon = GetItemInfo(itemID)
GameCooltip:AddLine (name, potionUsed.counter)
GameCooltip:AddIcon (icon, 1, 1, _detalhes.tooltip.line_height, _detalhes.tooltip.line_height)
Search Script
local combat, instance_container, instance = ...
local total, top, amount = 0, 0, 0
--get the misc actor container
local misc_container = combat:GetActorList ( DETAILS_ATTRIBUTE_MISC )
local energy_container = combat:GetActorList ( DETAILS_ATTRIBUTE_ENERGY )
[17528] = true, -- Mighty Rage 强效怒气
[28494] = true, -- Insane Strength Potion 疯狂力量药水
[28506] = true, -- Potion of Heroes 英雄药水
[28507] = true, -- Haste 加速
[28508] = true, -- Destruction 毁灭
[28511] = true, -- Fire Protection 防护火焰
[28512] = true, -- Frost Protection 防护冰霜
[28513] = true, -- Nature Protection 防护自然
[28536] = true, -- Arcane Protection 奥术防护
[28537] = true, -- Shadow Protection 防护暗影
[28538] = true, -- Holy Protection 防护神圣
[28515] = true, -- Ironshield 铁盾
[28495] = 22829, -- Healing Potion 治疗药水
[28499] = 22832, -- Restore Mana 恢复法力
[28517] = 22850, -- Rejuvenation Potion 活力药水
[45051] = 34440, -- "Mad Alchemist's Potion" 疯狂炼金师药水
--do the loop:
for _, player in ipairs ( misc_container ) do
--only player in group
if (player:IsGroupPlayer()) then
local found_potion = false
--get the spell buff uptime container
local buff_uptime_container = player.buff_uptime and player.buff_uptime_spells and player.buff_uptime_spells._ActorTable
if (buff_uptime_container) then
for spellId, _ in pairs (TBC_POTION_BUFF_IDS) do
local potionUsed = buff_uptime_container [spellId]
if (potionUsed) then
local used = potionUsed.activedamt
if (used and used > 0) then
total = total + used
found_potion = true
if (used > top) then
top = used
--add amount to the player
instance_container:AddValue (player, used)
if (found_potion) then
amount = amount + 1
for _, player in ipairs ( energy_container ) do
--only player in group
if (player:IsGroupPlayer()) then
local found_potion = false
--get the spells
local spell_container = player.spells and player.spells._ActorTable
if (spell_container) then
for spellId, _ in pairs (TBC_POTION_SPELL_IDS) do
local potionUsed = spell_container [spellId]
if (potionUsed) then
local used = potionUsed.counter
if (used and used > 0) then
total = total + used
found_potion = true
if (used > top) then
top = used
--add amount to the player
instance_container:AddValue (player, used)
if (found_potion) then
amount = amount + 1
return total, top, amount
Here is the data
Apologies for the late reply.
You're adding misc and energy actors into the instance_container. It is likely that one is overwriting the other and giving you an Energy actor inside your tooltip function.
2 different solutions: Change the order of energy_container and misc_container being used, so add players from the misc container second.
OR: Get the misc actor from the combat in the tooltip script. combat:GetActor(DETAILS_ATTRIBUTE_MISC,player:Name()) --Not tested