Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


DetailsRetail.v9.2.7.10017.146 "'IsWoTLKWow" error

DakJaniels opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Game and Details! version
Retail. 9.2.7
Details v9.2.7.10017.146

Describe the bug

Mouse over class icon in the damage done sort. Produces lua error.

Lua Error
2x Details\frames\window_main.lua:2169: attempt to call field 'IsWoTLKWow' (a nil value)
[string "@details\frames\window_main.lua"]:2169: in function <Details\frames\window_main.lua:2111>

self = DetailsBarra_IconFrame_1_1 {
0 =
row = DetailsBarra_1_1 {
instance_id = 1
actor =

flag_original = 1297
totalabsorbed = 0.005931
colocacao = 1
minha_barra = DetailsBarra_1_1 {
timeMachine = 3
damage_from =
targets =
avoidance =
pets =
isTank = true
friendlyfire =
classe = "PALADIN"
raid_targets =
total_without_pet = 346979.005931
on_hold = false
friendlyfire_total = 0
dps_started = true
total = 346979.005931
spec = 66
aID = "60-0EBF6BF7"
nome = "Dackness"
spells =
grupo = true
displayName = "Dackness"
serial = "Player-60-0EBF6BF7"
last_dps = 181095.514581
custom = 0
last_event = 1661983861
damage_taken = 0.005931
start_time = 1661983859
delay = 0
tipo = 1
serial = "Player-60-0EBF6BF7"
name = "Dackness"
class = "PALADIN"
spec = 66
talents =
1 = 22428
2 = 22431
3 = 21811
4 = 22433
5 = 17597
6 = 23087
7 = 21202
ilvl =
time = 1661982977
name = "Dackness"
ilvl = 289.875000
icon_size = 20
instance =
h_baixo = DetailsBottomSideBarHighlight1 {
menu_icons_size = 0.990000
h_esquerda = DetailsLeftSideBarHighlight1 {
bg_r = 0
fullborder_size = 0.500000
color_buttons =
toolbar_icon_file = "Details\images\toolbar_icons_2"
micro_displays_locked = true
tooltip =
icons =
ponto3 =
ponto1 =
rolagem = false
rows_max = 50
titlebar_texture = "Details Serenity"
windowBackgroundDisplay = Details_GumpFrame1 {
lastIcon =
fontstrings_text_limit_offset = -10
menu_icons =
isMoving = false
show_sidebars = true
hide_icon = true
consolidate = false
toolbar_side = 1
sub_atributo = 1
atributo = 1
menu_icons_alpha = 0.920000
bg_b = 0
largura_scroll = 26
rowareaborder_color =
color =
sub_atributo_last =
barraS =
h_cima = DetailsTopSideBarHighlight1 {
switch_healer = false
showing =
ponto4 =
__locked = true
menu_alpha =
snap =
rowareaborder_size = 0.500000
clickthrough_incombatonly = true
hide_in_combat_alpha = 0
firstIcon = DetailsClearSegmentsButton1 {
switch_damager_in_combat = false
StatusBar =
verticalSnap = true
hide_in_combat = false
posicao =
row_height = 25
titlebar_texture_color =
__pos =
show_statusbar = false
clickthrough_window = false
titlebar_shown = false
menu_anchor =
total_buttons_shown = 5
hide_out_of_combat = false
rows_created = 9
bars_sort_direction = 1
use_auto_align_multi_fontstrings = true
__was_opened = true
fullborder_shown = false
clickthrough_toolbaricons = false
row_info =
barras =
horizontalSnap = false
ignore_mass_showhide = false
windowSwitchButton = Details_SwitchButtonFrame1 {
switch_all_roles_after_wipe = false
icon_desaturated = false
desaturated_menu = false
micro_displays_side = 2
window_scale = 1
h_direita = DetailsRightSideBarHighlight1 {
is_interacting = false
last_interaction = 1661983862
do_not_snap = false
meu_id = 1
bg_g = 0
LastModo = 2
skin_custom = ""
mostrando = "normal"
top = 346979.005931
rows_fit_in_window = 9
ponto2 =
oldwith = 211.971375
attribute_text =
hide_in_combat_type = 1
scroll = Details_ScrollBar1 {
bars_inverted = false
bgdisplay = Details_GumpFrame1 {
bgframe = Details_WindowFrame1 {
baseframe = DetailsBaseFrame1 {
switch_healer_in_combat = false
ativa = true
break_snap_button = DetailsBreakSnapButton1 {
alturaAntiga = 129.999985
fontstrings_text3_anchor = 35
segmento = 0
last_modo = 2
menu2_points =
skin = "New Gray"
menu_points =
following =
rows_showing = 1
modo = 2
fontstrings_text2_anchor = 70
alert = DetailsAlertFrame1 {
switch_tank = false
freeze_texto = {


10018 on the way, thank you!


Thank you.