Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


retail: 1bug--1Questions--1consultan

maioro opened this issue · 2 comments


all in wow=
First of all thank you for creating two high quality addons!

1= bugsack

82xUsage: self:SetVertexColor(color [, a]) [string "@Interface/AddOns/Details/classes/class_damage.lua"]:3077: in functionSetClassIcon'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Details/classes/class_heal.lua"]:1999: in function <Interface/AddOns/Details/classes/class_heal.lua:1871>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Details/functions/schedules.lua"]:21: in function <Interface/AddOns/Details/functions/schedules.lua:17>

detail=10.0.010259 (core 146) Since updating to 10.0, the above error has randomly appeared when checking the healing skill usage percentage after playing LFR. (but not every time after an LFR)
When I open the details option I see the texture option in icons that says [no option select...]. Strange.
At this point, the number of errors reported skyrockets as soon as the mouse pointer is placed over the healing skill.
As soon as the texture is selected. It will not report errors anymore

details LUA err


data feed-- item level tracker

I've noticed in LFR that this display doesn't show the exact gear level of my teammates every time, sometime including my own.

It feels like it only checks when you first go into LFR, (and sometimes the value you see when checking your teammates gear can be very different, e.g. details shows someone with ilev=163. When you check manually it's actually 258) and doesn't update after that.

There are also some teammates who come in halfway through the game and still don't see their loadout after the boss.

Would it be possible to add an option to set an automatic update time. Like 3 minutes, 5 minutes, etc?


just found out that you are also the author of plater addon.
Lines 383-398
Could you also replace these 15 lines of code with your "Plater Nameplates" addons
Lines 2376-2377

Or maybe add an option for players of other languages to choose their own? After all, wow now comes with 13 language options

wow exe 13


The error happened with all level 60 player in “raid finder” castle nathria\ sanctum of domination and sepulcher of the first ones randomly
I forgot to specify in the image [_alpha.tga] The last [.tga] was also added manually by me later after the error was discovered

The icons-texture selection had previously been left at "specialization"

question 1: i see, Let it be so .

question 2: well . Just asking if it is possible to add 'unit number format' in a future version of plater and if it is customisable. However, given that not many players of this type play other countries' servers with the English version of the game.

The original intention is shown below pictures
util lua code replace Plater lua code