Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


Details has significantly higher CPU usage than all my other addons -- while not doing anything

jonjbm opened this issue · 2 comments


This is the result of recording addon CPU usage while flying around for a couple minutes. Not landing, not engaging anything, No damage or healing was ever even displayed in my Details windows the entire time:

Why is this? Is there something that can be done about this?

This is with the update interval turned down to 1.50 and "animate bars" turned off.


That looks to be a cumulative count of the processing time Details uses. Details does still process combat events even if you're in town or flying around since they are still sent to your client. 350ms after a few minutes of flying around is not bad at all. If we assume that it's a 5 minute flight where it got to 350ms, that's an average of 1.166 ms every second.
