Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


Stutter/game freezing in Halls of Valor

Oronare opened this issue · 9 comments


Was getting micro stutter and the game freezing in Halls of Valor just now, release client 10410.148.

Disabled it and had zero problems the rest of the dungeon. Seemed to be using a huge amount of resources out of nowhere, my addon usage halved just disabling it.


This issue is most likely not caused by Details. I have similar issues and it is almost always solved by a /reload. So the reason it stopped once Details was disabled is because disabling an addon is accompanied by a /reload, not because Details actually caused it.


I have the same issue, though a reload UI resolves it temporarily. I have downgraded to version 10408.148 (released 18th of January). No problems with that version.


I was getting in freeze lags and stuttering in Nokhud and Temple of the Jade Serpent. For Halls of Valor I had downgraded already and had no issues after.


The 'alpha' update seems to have fixed it, at least I didn't get anything like this in the other dungeons I've done since updating. Perhaps it's just HoV though.


Perhaps it was only Halls of Valor then if nothing has changed. I didn't get any problems in any dungeon aside from that one. I was getting terrible stuttering/freezing, disabling details! in addons totally fixed the problem, so has to be related to that addon.


Confirmation bias.

Test with Details as your only enabled addon on the version you are having problems with. It lag continues then details is possibly at fault. If it doesn't, see if another addon causes a conflict.