Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


[Classic] Consider making talent sharing stuff into a lib

tstirrat opened this issue ยท 0 comments



If there is a better place to have this discussion please let me know.

I'm working on porting ZenTracker to classic, and would love to reuse the talent sharing stuff from Details rather than reinvent the wheel.. Would you considered pulling those bits out into a lib?

I started a draft/prototype lib at to use the Details talents protocol... But this feels not ideal and I'd love to not make such lib if a real one exists ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜

How would it be used:

  1. I'd like my lib to be able to get the "inspect" specialization from a unit by hooking NotifyInspect() then requesting talents via WHISPER, (unless unit is already in PARTY broadcast cache)

  2. ZenTracker uses LibGroupInspecT, which caches party member's talent info so that it can determine spell availability and talents which alter cooldown time