Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


Segment Locking

Leiserbeamz opened this issue ยท 4 comments


segment locking is not longer working for me i believe it started sometime before the 3/26 release the moment overall gets opened for any reason my windows become desynced and will no longer obey the switching of segments until i manually take my second window off overall and this sometimes will happen by itself in mythic + dungeons and i have no idea whats causing that part yet attaching a preview of me on a selected segment thats not overall after it gets out of sync i never had this issue before so thought maybe i wasnt alone

version WD 10736 RELEASE 10.0.7


I just checked the code. It will not swap a window from overall. But it can swap one to overall.

SetSegment = function(instance, segmentId, bForceChange)
--blah blah-
if (Details.instances_segments_locked) then
	---@param thisInstance instance
	for _, thisInstance in ipairs(Details:GetAllInstances()) do 
        --For every instance (Window), use the variable 'thisInstance' to reference it.
		--One other check that is unimportant went here.
                if (thisInstance:GetSegmentId() >= 0) then --not overall data

It specifically checks for the segment id. Overall is segment id -1


Probably not a massive ask. I'll bring it up


is there anyway to change that by chance ? or a proper place to maybe put a request in for that ?


i would greatly appreciate it i do think there is another issue still though mine was seemingly switching at random mid dungeon ima keep watch to see if it repeats that without me touching it