Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


Multiple WotLK Errors

stratoru opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Before Start!

Make sure the bug also happen when Details! is the only addon enabled.

Game and Details! version

Skipped (In Encounter)

Describe the bug

  • Steps to Reproduce (what did you do to make the bug happen):
    BUG 1: Go into combat in WotLK.
    BUG 2 (Player Breakdown): Click player DPS bar in damage window.

  • Result (what happens when you follow the steps above):
    BUG 1: Receive error. No known adverse event occurs.
    BUG 2: Bugged appearing player breakdown window pops up. Get error.

  • Expected (what you think the expected behavior would be when following the steps):
    BUG 1: N/A
    BUG 2: Normal Player breakdown window appears.

  • When the bug started (a date, wow path release, details update, etc)?

  • Additional information:
    This is the second similar error this week. A playerbreakdown bug occured earlier in the week and was fixed initially, but has returned.

Lua Error
Post here lua errors, if you aren't getting any, use /console scriptErrors 1
BUG 1:

21x Details/core/parser.lua:3717: attempt to index local 'cooldownInfo' (a boolean value)
[string "@Details/core/parser.lua"]:3717: in function <Details/core/parser.lua:3669>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?

BUG 2:

3x ...Ons/Details/frames/window_playerbreakdown_spells.lua:1959: attempt to index local 'actorObject' (a nil value)
[string "@Details/frames/window_playerbreakdown_spells.lua"]:1959: in function <...Ons/Details/frames/window_playerbreakdown_spells.lua:1932>
7x ...Ons/Details/frames/window_playerbreakdown_spells.lua:527: attempt to index local 'spellTable' (a nil value)
[string "@Details/frames/window_playerbreakdown_spells.lua"]:527: in function <...Ons/Details/frames/window_playerbreakdown_spells.lua:470>

15x Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua:3349: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `pairs'
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua"]:3349: in function `Mixin'
[string "@Details/classes/class_damage.lua"]:4578: in function <Details/classes/class_damage.lua:4487>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Details/frames/window_playerbreakdown.lua"]:306: in function `OpenBreakdownWindow'
[string "@Details/frames/window_main.lua"]:2003: in function <Details/frames/window_main.lua:1952>

Post images of the bug if necessary.

Combat Log
Include a link to a combatlog file if the error is about not detecting a skill, usable item or item proc.
The log can be as simple as hitting a mob with white damage and using the item/skill.

Other Information
If necessary, add more info here.


Bug 1 is a legit bug. Bug 2 is from you not installing/updating correctly.

Delete your folders and reinstall. When updating addons, always treat it like a clean install. Remove old folders and install new ones. Do not overwrite.


Bug 1 should be fixed with most recent Alpha


So updating via CurseForge app is not supported?


It is. The mixin issue is indicative of a manual install


I found the actual issue. New file was added but not added to Wrath TOC. #517 addresses it.


Thanks. Didn't think I had manually installed anything. Glad to hear I wasn't losing my mind!