Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


lua error in ulduar ret paladin, something to do with "cooldowns"

ssateneth opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Before Start!

Make sure the bug also happen when Details! is the only addon enabled.

Game and Details! version

Describe the bug

  • Steps to Reproduce (what did you do to make the bug happen): fighting in bosses in ulduar, sometimes when I use a cooldown, sorry, i dont know which cooldowns as it seems random

  • Result (what happens when you follow the steps above): lua error, but nothing else bad happens

  • Expected (what you think the expected behavior would be when following the steps): no lua error

  • When the bug started (a date, wow path release, details update, etc)? WOTLK ver may 2 2023, but I think its been happening off and on since a few weeks

  • Additional information: i dont know, sorry

Lua Error
Message: Interface/AddOns/Details/core/parser.lua:3730: attempt to index local 'cooldownInfo' (a boolean value)
Time: Tue May 2 19:23:26 2023
Count: 3
Stack: Interface/AddOns/Details/core/parser.lua:3730: attempt to index local 'cooldownInfo' (a boolean value)
[string "=[tsm error check]"]:1: in main chunk
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Details/core/parser.lua"]:3730: in function <Interface/AddOns/Details/core/parser.lua:3682>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?



Combat Log
sorry i dont have a combat log

Other Information
its really random when the lua error happens, sorry i dont have more info. im a ret paladin in ulduar


I can confirm, I have the same issue. Mine occured after switching to the latest alpha version WD 10737 ALPHA 52 10.1.0

1x Details/core/parser.lua:3730: attempt to index local 'cooldownInfo' (a boolean value)
[string "@Details/core/parser.lua"]:3730: in function <Details/core/parser.lua:3682>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?

self = nil
time = 1683096713.834000
sourceSerial = "Player-5-0B1E42DB"
sourceName = "Soyier"
sourceFlags = 1297
targetSerial = ""
targetName = nil
targetFlags = -2147483648
targetRaidFlags = -2147483648
spellId = 77761
spellName = "Stampeding Roar"
spellType = 1
sourceActor = <table> {
 flag_original = 1047
 debuff_uptime_spells = <table> {
 BuildSpellTargetFromSpellTable = <function> defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:108
 GetSpellContainer = <function> defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:12
 cooldowns_defensive = 1.005412
 pets = <table> {
 last_cooldown = <table> {
 classe = "DRUID"
 cooldowns_defensive_targets = <table> {
 buff_uptime_spells = <table> {
 cooldowns_defensive_spells = <table> {
 debuff_uptime_targets = <table> {
 GetPets = <function> defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:45
 debuff_uptime = 0
 buff_uptime_targets = <table> {
 buff_uptime = 0
 nome = "Soyier"
 spec = 104
 GetSpellList = <function> defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:60
 displayName = "Soyier"
 grupo = true
 aID = "5-0B1E42DB"
 GetSpellTableFromContainer = <function> defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:32
 last_event = 1683096713
 GetTargets = <function> defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:53
 BuildSpellTargetFromBreakdownSpellData = <function> defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:69
 serial = "Player-5-0B1E42DB"
 tipo = 4
ownerActor = nil
castsByPlayer = <table> {
 Mangle = 1
 Stampeding Roar = 1
 Barkskin = 1
amountOfCasts = 1
cooldownInfo = true
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'cooldownInfo' (a boolean value)"
_in_combat = true
misc_cache = <table> {
 Joepoe = <table> {
 Talyessa = <table> {
 Zaqali Ritualist = <table> {
 Ebyssian = <table> {
 Player-5-0A2AD478 = <table> {
 Creature-0-3878-2454-1005-199972-0000520451 = <table> {
 Highmountain Seer = <table> {
 Soyier = <table> {
misc_cache_pets = <table> {
 Pet-0-3878-2454-1005-165189-06041F001C = <table> {
 Creature-0-3878-2454-1005-201290-0000520483 = <table> {
misc_cache_petsOwners = <table> {
 Pet-0-3878-2454-1005-165189-06041F001C = <table> {
 Creature-0-3878-2454-1005-201290-0000520483 = <table> {
_current_misc_container = <table> {
 _NameIndexTable = <table> {
 shadow = <table> {
 funcao_de_criacao = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_utility.lua:143
 combatId = 711
 tipo = 9
 _ActorTable = <table> {
 need_refresh = true
_current_combat = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
 3 = <table> {
 4 = <table> {
 5 = <table> {
 raid_roster = <table> {
 raid_roster_indexed = <table> {
 tempo_start = 1683096709
 last_events_tables = <table> {
 alternate_power = <table> {
 trinketProcs = <table> {
 totals = <table> {
 player_last_events = <table> {
 verifica_combate = <table> {
 frags_need_refresh = true
 aura_timeline = <table> {
 cleu_events = <table> {
 PhaseData = <table> {
 amountCasts = <table> {
 combat_id = 711
 totals_grupo = <table> {
 TimeData = <table> {
 previous_combat = <table> {
 frags = <table> {
 data_fim = 0
 cleu_timeline = <table> {
 spells_cast_timeline = <table> {
 data_inicio = "23:51:50"
 start_time = 39277.357000
 contra = "Zaqali Ritualist"
 combat_counter = 28772
raid_members_cache = <table> {
 Player-5-0B1E42DB = "Soyier"
defensive_cooldowns = <table> {
 203651 = <table> {
 31224 = <table> {
 118038 = <table> {
 55342 = <table> {
 33891 = <table> {
 16191 = true
 184364 = <table> {
 243435 = <table> {
 383762 = <table> {
 207399 = <table> {
 357170 = <table> {
 388615 = <table> {
 204018 = <table> {
 77764 = true
 198589 = <table> {
 194679 = <

Most recent alpha should have fix