Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


error running function for auto run script on_init

jsutan opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Before Start!

Make sure the bug also happen when Details! is the only addon enabled.

Game and Details! version

VWD 11023 ALPHA 2 10.1.0

Describe the bug

  • Steps to Reproduce

Unsure of steps, happens on login.

  • Result

Details!: error running function for auto run script on_init
Details!: error running function for auto run script on_specchanged
Details!: error running function for auto run script on_zonechanged
Details!: error running function for auto run script on_leavecombat
Details!: error running function for auto run script on_groupchange
Details!: you can always reset the addon running the command '/details reinstall' if it does fail to load after being updated.
Details!: seems failed to load, please type /reload to try again.

and Details! window does not load

  • Expected

no error, Details! window loads

  • When the bug started


  • Additional information:

I've tried reinstalling the addon from previous backup versions and each time the error reoccurs after some time. If I /reload after the error occurs, Details! resets it's position to the center of the screen, is unlocked, all segments are wiped, and some other settings seem to be reset.

Lua Error

Lua Error 1

[string "@Details/classes/container_actors.lua"]:1182: in function `r_container_combatentes'
[string "@Details/core/meta.lua"]:59: in function `RestoreOverallMetatables'
[string "@Details/functions/loaddata.lua"]:172: in function `CombatSegments'
[string "@Details/core/parser.lua"]:5729: in function <Details/core/parser.lua:5689>
[string "@Details/core/parser.lua"]:5749: in function <Details/core/parser.lua:5746>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?

self = <table> {
 r_atributo_damage = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_damage.lua:6768
 r_container_pets = <function> defined @Details/classes/container_pets.lua:258
 r_container_habilidades = <function> defined @Details/classes/container_spells.lua:130
 r_historico = <function> defined @Details/classes/container_segments.lua:585
 r_atributo_custom = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_custom.lua:1077
 r_combate = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_combat.lua:776
 r_atributo_misc = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_utility.lua:2717
 r_atributo_heal = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_heal.lua:3276
 r_atributo_energy = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_resources.lua:1541
 r_container_combatentes = <function> defined @Details/classes/container_actors.lua:1173
container = <table> {
 funcao_de_criacao = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_heal.lua:69
 __index = <table> {
 _ActorTable = <table> {
 tipo = 3
shadow = nil
mapa = <table> {
 Teachan = 2
 Edaan-Zuluhed = 22
 Mezzgarth <Teachan> = 16
 Brattybearz = 32
 GreyWind <Bowelf-Stormrage> = 31
 Spirit Wolf <Shahmehn-Stormrage> = 30
 Shahmehn-Stormrage = 29
 Rhale = 4
 Diseased Lasher = 15
 Void Lasher <Hygeiah> = 11
 Swiffdeath = 28
 Hathgak = 25
 Mirror Image <Tonediary> = 8
 Zombiedank-Zul'jin = 27
 Longshank-Dentarg = 21
 Beldrof-Dentarg = 19
 Void Tendril <Hygeiah> = 14
 Bowelf-Stormrage = 26
 Sapphira = 23
 Shadowfiend <Hygeiah> = 7
 Skyshadow-Illidan = 24
 Healing Stream Totem <Enlia-Dalaran> = 20
 Unbound Abomination = 18
 Reanimated Guardian = 17
 Blasphemy <Teachan> = 10
 Hygeiah = 6
 Elder Leaxa = 13
 Kreezhum <Teachan> = 3
 Tonediary = 5
 Infernal <Teachan> = 9
 Latondra = 1
 Thing From Beyond <Hygeiah> = 12
(for index) = 33
(for limit) = 47
(for step) = 1
i = 33
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table index is nil"
setmetatable = <function> defined =[C]:-1
Details = <table> {
 SetBarSpecIconSettings = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:4383
 APITopics = <table> {
 InitializeRunCodeWindow = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_runcode.lua:8
 player_stats = <table> {
 EntrarEmCombate = <function> defined @Details/core/control.lua:319
 hex = <function> defined @Details/core/util.lua:912
 overall_flag = 16
 opened_windows = 0
 RefreshAttributeTextSize = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:7809
 PotionList = <table> {
 EndRefresh = <function> defined @Details/core/control.lua:1760
 default_bg_color = 0.094100
 GetActiveWindowFromBreakdownWindow = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_playerbreakdown.lua:66
 gameVersionPrefix = "VWD"
 APIVersion = 152
 IsPluginEnabled = <function> defined @Details/core/plugins.lua:59
 ImportProfile = <function> defined @Details/functions/profiles.lua:1879
 show_totalhitdamage_on_overkill = false
 SetNickname = <function> defined @Details/Libs/NickTag-1.0/NickTag-1.0.lua:573
 color_by_arena_team = true
 SortKeyGroupHeal = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_heal.lua:138
 SortKeyGroup = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_damage.lua:148
 IsInEncounter = <function> defined @Details/core/parser.lua:6410
 Check_ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA = <function> defined @Details/core/parser.lua:4775
 plugin_window_pos = <table> {
 gump = <table> {
 CaptureRefresh = <function> defined @Details/core/parser.lua:4421
 NewModule = <function> defined @Ace3/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:231
 InstancesToStoreData = <table> {
 name_space_info = <function> defined @Details/core/util.lua:1628
 ShowDelayMsg = <function> defined @Details/boot.lua:1019

Lua Error 2

[string "@Details/classes/class_instance.lua"]:1120: in function `GetNumInstancesAmount'
[string "@Details/startup.lua"]:110: in function `StartMeUp'
[string "@Details/core/parser.lua"]:5763: in function <Details/core/parser.lua:5762>

self = <table> {
 SetBarSpecIconSettings = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:4383
 APITopics = <table> {
 InitializeRunCodeWindow = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_runcode.lua:8
 player_stats = <table> {
 EntrarEmCombate = <function> defined @Details/core/control.lua:320
 hex = <function> defined @Details/core/util.lua:912
 overall_flag = 16
 opened_windows = 0
 RefreshAttributeTextSize = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:7809
 PotionList = <table> {
 EndRefresh = <function> defined @Details/core/control.lua:1761
 default_bg_color = 0.094100
 GetActiveWindowFromBreakdownWindow = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_playerbreakdown.lua:67
 gameVersionPrefix = "VWD"
 APIVersion = 151
 IsPluginEnabled = <function> defined @Details/core/plugins.lua:59
 ImportProfile = <function> defined @Details/functions/profiles.lua:1879
 show_totalhitdamage_on_overkill = false
 SetNickname = <function> defined @Details/Libs/NickTag-1.0/NickTag-1.0.lua:573
 color_by_arena_team = true
 SortKeyGroupHeal = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_heal.lua:138
 SortKeyGroup = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_damage.lua:148
 IsInEncounter = <function> defined @Details/core/parser.lua:6410
 Check_ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA = <function> defined @Details/core/parser.lua:4775
 plugin_window_pos = <table> {
 gump = <table> {
 ShowDeathTooltipFunction = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_utility.lua:176
 CaptureRefresh = <function> defined @Details/core/parser.lua:4421
 NewModule = <function> defined @Ace3/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:231
 InstancesToStoreData = <table> {
 name_space_info = <function> defined @Details/core/util.lua:1628
 ShowDelayMsg = <function> defined @Details/boot.lua:1019
 Resize = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:2359
 GetEncounterActorsName = <function> defined @Details/functions/boss.lua:310
 RequestCloudData = <function> defined @Details/core/network.lua:601
 RestauraJanela = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:1873
 default_skin_to_use = "Minimalistic"
 GetOpenedWindowsAmount = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:664
 GetInstanceGroup = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:8351
 deadlog_events = 32
 Dump = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_dump.lua:20
 OpenNewsWindow = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_news.lua:8
 last_instance_id = 1841
 Disable = <function> defined @Ace3/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:310
 atributo_energy = <table> {
 UnitDamageOnUnit = <function> defined @Details/functions/api2.lua:1121
 show_warning_id1 = true
 OpenBreakdownWindow = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_playerbreakdown.lua:97
 name_space_generic = <function> defined @Details/core/util.lua:1638
 storage = <table> {
 FadeHandler = <table> {
 AdjustAlphaByContext = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:7553
 AddOnStartTime = 662060.202000
 ContainerSortEnemies = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_damage.lua:307
 ToolBar = <table> {
 GetTitleBarText = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:7992
 UseWestNumericalSystem = <function> defined @Details/core/util.lua:542
 FazerAnimacao_Esquerda = <function> defined @Details/core/windows.lua:224
 Desagrupar = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:1564
 unpacks = <function> defined @Details/core/util.lua:950
 listener = Frame {

Lua Error 3

[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Details/classes/class_instance.lua"]:89: in function `InstanceCall'
[string "@Details/core/plugins.lua"]:191: in function `InstallPlugin'
[string "@Details_Compare2/Details_Compare2.lua"]:1582: in function `OnEvent'
[string "@Details/core/plugins.lua"]:290: in function <Details/core/plugins.lua:287>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table expected, got nil"
 = <function> defined =[C]:-1

Lua Error 4

[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Details/functions/spellcache.lua"]:384: in function `GetSpellInfo'
[string "@Details/functions/spellcache.lua"]:314: in function `FillUserCustomSpells'
[string "@Details/startup.lua"]:32: in function <Details/startup.lua:30>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table expected, got nil"


Combat Log

Other Information