Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


[API] SegmentInfo always returns an empty table.

HonorWOW opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Describe the bug
The Details API function SegmentInfo will always return an empty table instead segment information.

Not a whole lot more to add -- we define segmentInfo as an empty table, and never give it a "real" value. Whether getCombatObject returns nil or not, we return the empty table unaltered.

I don't know the "correct" thing to return -- combatObject?


The function was implemented in a separate location and I guess that entry just was not updated. The function you'd want to use is Details:GetSegmentInfo(segment)

Returns are
enemy, color, raid_type, killed, is_trash, portrait, background, background_coords

Enemy being either the boss name, arena name, or whatever npc got tagged first.
color is boss only and dictates the content as well as a wipe/kill.
raid type being "party" or "raid"
killed being true/false for raid bosses
Is trash is only if the combat is not boss/arena and is counted as trash.
Portrait is the boss portrait image
background and background coords exist on boss and arena and are the background of the arena map, or the boss journal entry. (usually ir looks like)


Fair enough If SegmentInfo isn't necessary anymore, it should probably be removed (or have it point to GetSegmentInfo).


I don't disagree. API information needs an overhaul and I'll try to get to it during this week. It's a lot of work to get everything back to cleanliness.