Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


More bugs in raid (Details_Boot / Core / Meta / parser)

Mithras2801 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Before Start!

Make sure the bug also happen when Details! is the only addon enabled.

Game and Details! version
Retail version
Details version Details-Details.20230520.11023.151-16-gcc09a73

Describe the bug

  • Steps to Reproduce (what did you do to make the bug happen):
    We go to the raid and after the fight Details are bugged.

Lua Error
3170x Details/core/control.lua:1803: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[string "@Details/core/control.lua"]:1864: in function <Details/core/control.lua:1849>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@Details/functions/schedules.lua"]:22: in function <Details/functions/schedules.lua:18>

self =

SetBarSpecIconSettings = defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:4384
APITopics =
InitializeRunCodeWindow = defined @Details/frames/window_runcode.lua:8
player_stats =
EntrarEmCombate = defined @Details/core/control.lua:319
hex = defined @Details/core/util.lua:912
overall_flag = 16
opened_windows = 1
RefreshAttributeTextSize = defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:7815
PotionList =

EndRefresh = defined @Details/core/control.lua:1759
default_bg_color = 0.094100
GetActiveWindowFromBreakdownWindow = defined @Details/frames/window_breakdown/window_playerbreakdown.lua:66
gameVersionPrefix = "VWD"
APIVersion = 153
IsPluginEnabled = defined @Details/core/plugins.lua:59
ImportProfile = defined @Details/functions/profiles.lua:1879
show_totalhitdamage_on_overkill = false
SetNickname = defined @Details/Libs/NickTag-1.0/NickTag-1.0.lua:573
color_by_arena_team = true
SortKeyGroupHeal = defined @Details/classes/class_heal.lua:138
SortKeyGroup = defined @Details/classes/class_damage.lua:143
IsInEncounter = defined @Details/core/parser.lua:6444
Check_ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA = defined @Details/core/parser.lua:4774
plugin_window_pos =

gump =
ShowDeathTooltipFunction = defined =[C]:-1
CaptureRefresh = defined @Details/core/parser.lua:4420
NewModule = defined @Ace3/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:231
InstancesToStoreData =
name_space_info = defined @Details/core/util.lua:1628
ShowDelayMsg = defined @Details/boot.lua:1060
Resize = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:2359
GetEncounterActorsName = defined @Details/functions/boss.lua:310
RequestCloudData = defined @Details/core/network.lua:601
RestauraJanela = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:1873
default_skin_to_use = "Minimalistic"
GetOpenedWindowsAmount = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:664
GetInstanceGroup = defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:8357
deadlog_events = 32
GetDeathRecapFromChat = defined @Details/functions/deathrecap.lua:211
OpenNewsWindow = defined @Details/frames/window_news.lua:8
last_instance_id = 657
_detalhes_props =
atributo_energy =
UnitDamageOnUnit = defined @Details/functions/api2.lua:1121
show_warning_id1 = true
OpenBreakdownWindow = defined @Details/frames/window_breakdown/window_playerbreakdown.lua:96
name_space_generic = defined @Details/core/util.lua:1638
storage =
FadeHandler =
AdjustAlphaByContext = defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:7559
AddOnStartTime = 4866.811000
ContainerSortEnemies = defined @Details/classes/class_damage.lua:263
ToolBar =
GetTitleBarText = defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:7998
UseWestNumericalSystem = defined @Details/core/util.lua:542
FazerAnimacao_Esquerda = defined @Details/core/windows.lua:224
Desagrupar = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:1564
sub_atributos =
listener = Frame {
ChangeIcon = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:3093


Other Information
Bug in raid


I don't have decursive on every character. Only on those with curse dispel. And the error is on the rest of the characters.

The problem probably arose after the last or previous details update.

I can provide more information if needed.

Version Ingame Details: VWD 11023 ALPHA 21 10.1.0


When reporting issues, please use the In Game version from /details version as that will be completely accurate to what is running, as opposed to a zip file which may or may not be running.


Although I suspect the issue is actually what is printed out in chat by Decursive. Interesting.