Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


Addon told me to report

Anothersignup opened this issue · 2 comments


Before Start!

Make sure the bug also happen when Details! is the only addon enabled.

Game and Details! version
Use /details to grab these two.

Describe the bug

  • Steps to Reproduce (what did you do to make the bug happen):

  • I was farming a dungeon in Retail World of Warcraft

  • Result (what happens when you follow the steps above):
    Nothing happens. The GUI is turned off while I am farming.

  • Expected (what you think the expected behavior would be when following the steps):
    I expected nothing, because the addon is not showing on my screen while I am farming.

  • When the bug started (a date, wow path release, details update, etc)?

  • Additional information:

Details!: a deleted combat object was found by the g.collector, please report this bug on discord:    
Details!: combat destroyed by: [string "@Interface/AddOns/Details/classes/container_segments.lua"]:509: in function `ResetAllCombatData'
Details!: a deleted combat object was found on g2.collector, please report this bug on discord:    
Details!: combat destroyed by: [string "@Interface/AddOns/Details/classes/container_segments.lua"]:509: in function `ResetAllCombatData'

Lua Error

Post here lua errors, if you aren't getting any, use */console scriptErrors 1*
6x Details/boot.lua:1280: attempt to call method 'GetContainer' (a nil value)
[string "@Details/boot.lua"]:1280: in function `DestroyCombat'
[string "@Details/classes/container_segments.lua"]:509: in function `ResetAllCombatData'
[string "@Details/core/control.lua"]:1954: in function `CheckForAutoErase'
[string "@Details/core/parser.lua"]:4882: in function <Details/core/parser.lua:4774>

self = <table> {
 SetBarSpecIconSettings = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:4384
 APITopics = <table> {
 InitializeRunCodeWindow = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_runcode.lua:8
 player_stats = <table> {
 EntrarEmCombate = <function> defined @Details/core/control.lua:319
 hex = <function> defined @Details/core/util.lua:912
 overall_flag = 16
 opened_windows = 3
 RefreshAttributeTextSize = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:7815
 PotionList = <table> {
 EndRefresh = <function> defined @Details/core/control.lua:1759
 default_bg_color = 0.094100
 GetActiveWindowFromBreakdownWindow = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_breakdown/window_playerbreakdown.lua:138
 ToolbarMenuButtons = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:5929
 APIVersion = 153
 IsPluginEnabled = <function> defined @Details/core/plugins.lua:72
 ImportProfile = <function> defined @Details/functions/profiles.lua:1883
 show_totalhitdamage_on_overkill = false
 SetNickname = <function> defined @Details/Libs/NickTag-1.0/NickTag-1.0.lua:573
 color_by_arena_team = true
 SortKeyGroupHeal = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_heal.lua:138
 SortKeyGroup = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_damage.lua:143
 IsInEncounter = <function> defined @Details/core/parser.lua:6444
 Check_ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA = <function> defined @Details/core/parser.lua:4774
 plugin_window_pos = <table> {
 gump = <table> {
 ShowDeathTooltipFunction = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_utility.lua:176
 CaptureRefresh = <function> defined @Details/core/parser.lua:4420
 NewModule = <function> defined @DataStore/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:231
 InstancesToStoreData = <table> {
 name_space_info = <function> defined @Details/core/util.lua:1628
 ShowDelayMsg = <function> defined @Details/boot.lua:1061
 Resize = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:2394
 GetEncounterActorsName = <function> defined @Details/functions/boss.lua:310
 RequestCloudData = <function> defined @Details/core/network.lua:601
 RestauraJanela = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:1908
 RegisterDragonFlightEditMode = <function> defined @Details/functions/editmode.lua:7
 GetOpenedWindowsAmount = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:699
 GetInstanceGroup = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:8357
 deadlog_events = 32
 Dump = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_dump.lua:20
 OpenNewsWindow = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_news.lua:8
 last_instance_id = 668
 Disable = <function> defined @DataStore/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:310
 atributo_energy = <table> {
 UnitDamageOnUnit = <function> defined @Details/functions/api2.lua:1121
 show_warning_id1 = true
 OpenBreakdownWindow = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_breakdown/window_playerbreakdown.lua:168
 name_space_generic = <function> defined @Details/core/util.lua:1638
 storage = <table> {
 FadeHandler = <table> {
 AdjustAlphaByContext = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:7559
 AddOnStartTime = 53748.297000
 ContainerSortEnemies = <function> defined @Details/classes/class_damage.lua:263
 ToolBar = <table> {
 GetTitleBarText = <function> defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:7998
 UseWestNumericalSystem = <function> defined @Details/core/util.lua:542
 FazerAnimacao_Esquerda = <function> defined @Details/core/windows.lua:224

Post images of the bug if necessary.

Combat Log
Include a link to a combatlog file if the error is about not detecting a skill, usable item or item proc.
The log can be as simple as hitting a mob with white damage and using the item/skill.

Other Information
If necessary, add more info here.

Details!: a deleted combat object was found refreshing a window, please report this bug on discord:    
Details!: combat destroyed by: [string "@Interface/AddOns/Details/classes/container_segments.lua"]:509: in function `ResetAllCombatData'
Details!: <no context>  error:  Interface/AddOns/Details/core/plugins_statusbar.lua:723: attempt to call method 'GetCombatName' (a nil value)  

I farmed Molten Core for 2 bosses. Left the raid and right after I entered Black Wing Lair, another raid instance I was gonna solo, this error message popped up.