Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


Details_EncounterDetailsEmotesSegment LUA error

InsaneToons opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Before Start!

Make sure the bug also happen when Details! is the only addon enabled.

Game and Details! version
VWD 11701 RELEASE 10.1.5

Describe the bug
when clicking on the Emotes bar in the encounter details pops a lua error, happens when only details is enabled and also happens when other addons are enabled.

2x Details_EncounterDetailsEmotesSegmentDropdown_IconTexture:SetTextCoord(): Usage (minX, maxX, minY, maxY) or (ULx, ULy, LLx, LLy, URx, URy, LRx, LRy)
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/dropdown.lua"]:524: in function `Selected'
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/dropdown.lua"]:459: in function `Select'
[string "@Details_EncounterDetails/frames.lua"]:344: in function <Details_EncounterDetails/frames.lua:281>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua"]:4471: in function `CoreDispatch'
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/button.lua"]:738: in function <Details/Libs/DF/button.lua:674>

self = <table> {
 menus = <table> {
 label = Details_EncounterDetailsEmotesSegmentDropdown_Text {
 scroll = Slider {
 func = <function> defined @Details_EncounterDetails/frames_emote.lua:246
 realsizeW = 165
 statusbar = Details_EncounterDetailsEmotesSegmentDropdown_StatusBarTexture {
 opened = false
 icon = Details_EncounterDetailsEmotesSegmentDropdown_IconTexture {
 container = Details_EncounterDetails {
 last_select = <table> {
 type = "dropdown"
 template = <table> {
 HideScroll = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/dropdown.lua:1162
 onenter_backdrop = <table> {
 onleave_backdrop = <table> {
 lockdown = false
 onleave_backdrop_border_color = <table> {
 realsizeH = 300
 dropdown = Details_EncounterDetailsEmotesSegmentDropdown {
 no_options = false
 HookList = <table> {
 ShowScroll = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/dropdown.lua:1168
 onenter_backdrop_border_color = <table> {
 dframework = true
 widget = Details_EncounterDetailsEmotesSegmentDropdown {
thisOption = <table> {
 onclick = <function> defined @Details_EncounterDetails/frames_emote.lua:230
 texcoord = <table> {
 label = "#1 Garrosh Hellscream"
 value = 1
 iconcolor = <table> {
 icon = ""
 iconsize = <table> {
addonId = nil
languageId = nil
phraseId = nil
overrideFont = nil
DF = <table> {
 DropDownCounter = 586769
 CreateFrameContainer = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/containers.lua:487
 SavePositionOnScreen = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/panel.lua:2168
 CreateTabContainer = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/tabcontainer.lua:244
 IsUnitTapDenied = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua:5155
 NewLabel = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/label.lua:255
 SavedVars = <table> {
 AdjustmentSliderOptions = <table> {
 BuildStatusbarAuthorInfo = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/panel.lua:5667
 PanelCounter = 586769
 MakeFunctionSecure = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua:5399
 debug = false
 LabelNameCounter = 587095
 DefaultMetaFunctionsSet = <table> {
 GetCurrentSpec = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua:4380
 alias_text_colors = <table> {
 ScriptHookMixin = <table> {
 UnitFrameFunctions = <table> {
 BackdropUtil = <table> {
 CreateCastBar = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/panel.lua:7613
 RegisterScriptComm = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua:5097
 ShowPanicWarning = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/panel.lua:1820
 UnitGroupRolesAssigned = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua:233
 SetAutoCompleteWithSpells = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/auras.lua:1257
 ShowTutorialAlertFrame = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua:2787
 CooldownsExternals = <table> {
 GetSpecializationRole = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua:292
 SpecListByClass = <table> {
 CreateHealthBar = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/panel.lua:6303
 strings = <table> {
 button_templates = <table> {
 HeaderMixin = <table> {
 FrameMixin = <table> {
 SplitTextInLines = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua:659
 ColorPick = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/panel.lua:1451
 CreateSwitch = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/slider.lua:872
 font_templates = <table> {
 embeds = <table> {
 SetAnchor = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua:1446
 GetDefaultBackdropColor = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua:65
 trim = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua:1096
 NewSplitBar = <function> defined @Details/Libs/DF/split_bar.lua:716
 LayeredRegionMetaFunctionsSet = <table> {
 FindClassForCooldown = <function> defined @Add

Clicking the Emotes bar causes the lua error.
Hitting the close X in the top right then results in this happening