Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


LUA error when logging in

raysmith59 opened this issue · 10 comments


Got this error when logging into my hunter. Didn't happen last time I logged in about an hour ago so unsure what changed.

DETAILS! VERSION: vwd 11774 alpha 2 10.1.5

1x Details/functions/spellcache.lua:386: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Details/functions/spellcache.lua"]:386: in function GetSpellInfo' [string "@Details/functions/spellcache.lua"]:316: in function FillUserCustomSpells'
[string "@Details/startup.lua"]:32: in function <Details/startup.lua:30>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table expected, got nil"


Looks like my profile broke but unsure if the issue caused the profile to break or if the profile broke first and caused the error. Seems like everything has reset since I relogged.


Sorry, there were some other errors that look like they happened at the same time that I didn't notice, I'll post each in a separate box.


1x Details/classes/class_utility.lua:2369: attempt to index local 'container1' (a nil value)
[string "@Details/classes/class_utility.lua"]:2369: in function <Details/classes/class_utility.lua:2367>
[string "@Details/classes/class_utility.lua"]:2417: in function r_onlyrefresh_shadow' [string "@Details/core/meta.lua"]:218: in function RestoreMetatables'
[string "@Details/functions/loaddata.lua"]:198: in function `CombatSegments'
[string "@Details/core/parser.lua"]:5980: in function <Details/core/parser.lua:5938>
[string "@Details/core/parser.lua"]:6000: in function <Details/core/parser.lua:5997>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?

container1 = nil
container2 =

funcao_de_criacao = defined @Details/classes/class_spellutility.lua:7
__index =
_ActorTable =
tipo = 9
(for generator) = defined =[C]:-1
(for state) =
Draconicia@410089 =
(for control) = "Draconicia@410089"
spellid = "Draconicia@410089"
habilidade =
appliedamt = 2
targets =
activedamt = 2
uptime = 10
id = 410089
refreshamt = 0
actived = false
counter = 0
(*temporary) = "Draconicia@410089"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'container1' (a nil value)"
pairs = defined =[C]:-1
refresh_alvos = defined @Details/classes/class_utility.lua:2362


1x Details/classes/class_instance.lua:1160: attempt to get length of field 'tabela_instancias' (a nil value)
[string "@Details/classes/class_instance.lua"]:1160: in function GetNumInstancesAmount' [string "@Details/startup.lua"]:110: in function StartMeUp'
[string "@Details/core/parser.lua"]:6007: in function <Details/core/parser.lua:6006>

self =

SetBarSpecIconSettings = defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:4397
APITopics =
InitializeRunCodeWindow = defined @Details/frames/window_runcode.lua:10
player_stats =
FlagNewCombat_PVPState = defined @Details/core/parser.lua:5059
EntrarEmCombate = defined @Details/core/control.lua:351
hex = defined @Details/core/util.lua:1019
overall_flag = 16
opened_windows = 0
RefreshAttributeTextSize = defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:7830
PotionList =
EndRefresh = defined @Details/core/control.lua:1809
default_bg_color = 0.094100
UpdatePetCache = defined @Details/classes/container_actors.lua:893
GetActiveWindowFromBreakdownWindow = defined @Details/frames/window_breakdown/window_playerbreakdown.lua:217
ToolbarMenuButtons = defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:5942
GetNickname = defined @Details/Libs/NickTag-1.0/NickTag-1.0.lua:723
IsPluginEnabled = defined @Details/core/plugins.lua:90
ImportProfile = defined @Details/functions/profiles.lua:1896
show_totalhitdamage_on_overkill = false
SetNickname = defined @Details/Libs/NickTag-1.0/NickTag-1.0.lua:573
color_by_arena_team = true
SortKeyGroupHeal = defined @Details/classes/class_heal.lua:138
SortKeyGroup = defined @Details/classes/class_damage.lua:143
IsInEncounter = defined @Details/core/parser.lua:6843
Check_ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA = defined @Details/core/parser.lua:5079
plugin_window_pos =
gump =
ShowDeathTooltipFunction = defined @Details/classes/class_utility.lua:176
CaptureRefresh = defined @Details/core/parser.lua:4725
NewModule = defined @DataStore/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:231
InstancesToStoreData =
SetAsDotSpell = defined @Details/functions/spellcache.lua:391
name_space_info = defined @Details/core/util.lua:1752
ShowDelayMsg = defined @Details/boot.lua:1076
Resize = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:2399
GetEncounterActorsName = defined @Details/functions/boss.lua:363
RequestCloudData = defined @Details/core/network.lua:601
RestauraJanela = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:1913
default_skin_to_use = "Minimalistic"
GetOpenedWindowsAmount = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:704
GetInstanceGroup = defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:8372
deadlog_events = 32
Dump = defined @Details/frames/window_dump.lua:20
OpenNewsWindow = defined @Details/frames/window_news.lua:8
last_instance_id = 2569
Disable = defined @DataStore/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:310
atributo_energy =
UnitDamageOnUnit = defined @Details/functions/api2.lua:1123
show_warning_id1 = true
OpenBreakdownWindow = defined @Details/frames/window_breakdown/window_playerbreakdown.lua:260
name_space_generic = defined @Details/core/util.lua:1762
storage =
FadeHandler =
AdjustAlphaByContext = defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:7574
AddOnStartTime = 619072.010000
ContainerSortEnemies = defined @Details/classes/class_damage.lua:271


1x Details_ChartViewer/frames.lua:98: attempt to call method 'GetCombatUID' (a nil value)
[string "=[C]"]: in function xpcall' [string "@Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua"]:4471: in function Dispatch'
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/dropdown.lua"]:400: in function Select' [string "@Details/Libs/DF/dropdown.lua"]:1199: in function <Details/Libs/DF/dropdown.lua:1090> [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@Details_ChartViewer/frames.lua"]:116: in function CreateSegmentDropdown'
[string "@Details_ChartViewer/Details_ChartViewer.lua"]:459: in function `OnEvent'
[string "@Details/core/plugins.lua"]:326: in function <Details/core/plugins.lua:323>

(*temporary) = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:256


Ok... I saw the update, I won't post any more of the errors on the assumption they're fixed, there are a couple of others.


Will follow up with anything new, thanks for the quick fix.