Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


Two Errors during PVE

Birdehub opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Getting these errors during a raid when I mouse over any of the bars when looking at damage for the most recent segment. There is a second error listed toward the bottom as well.

69x Details/classes/class_damage.lua:3510: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'meu_tempo' (a nil value)
[string "@Details/classes/class_damage.lua"]:3510: in function <Details/classes/class_damage.lua:3468>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Details/core/control.lua"]:1769: in function `MontaTooltip'
[string "@Details/frames/window_main.lua"]:1839: in function <Details/frames/window_main.lua:1835>

self =

flag_original = 1298
totalabsorbed = 0.001995
BuildSpellTargetFromSpellTable = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:131
GetSpellContainer = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:27
pets =
classe = "SHAMAN"
total_without_pet = 155378.001995
last_dps_realtime = 0
dps_started = false
total = 155378.001995
spec = 263
GetSpellTableFromContainer = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:55
BuildSpellTargetFromBreakdownSpellData = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:92
on_hold = false
total_extra = 0
IsGroupPlayer = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:175
ilvl = 443
boss_fight_component = true
IsPetOrGuardian = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:168
damage_from =
targets =
colocacao = 1
aID = "57-0D4F6E89"
grupo = true
IsNeutralOrEnemy = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:182
friendlyfire_total = 0
raid_targets =
minha_barra = DetailsBarra_1_1 {
serial = "Player-57-0D4F6E89"
GetSpellContainerNames = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:19
GetPets = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:68
end_time = 1691545019
IsPlayer = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:156
GetTargets = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:76
nome = "Zolantro"
spells =
GetSpellList = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:83
displayName = "Zolantro"
friendlyfire =
last_dps = 15537.800200
custom = 0
tipo = 1
damage_taken = 327149.001995
start_time = 1691545017
delay = 0
last_event = 1691545019
instancia =
h_baixo = DetailsBottomSideBarHighlight1 {
menu_icons_size = 1.120000
h_esquerda = DetailsLeftSideBarHighlight1 {
bg_r = 0.243000
fullborder_size = 0.500000
color_buttons =
toolbar_icon_file = "Interface\AddOns\Details\images\toolbar_icons"
micro_displays_locked = true
LastModo = 2
icons =
RefreshWindow = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:347
ponto1 =
rolagem = false
rows_max = 50
GetMode = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:393
LastMenuOpened = "reset"
SetMode = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:416
fontstrings_text_limit_offset = -10
menu_icons =
RefreshCombat = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:219
show_sidebars = false
hide_icon = true
consolidate = false
toolbar_side = 1
sub_atributo = 1
GetId = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:387
SetSegment = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:431
menu_icons_alpha = 0.920000
bg_b = 0.258800
largura_scroll = 26
rowareaborder_color =
color =
sub_atributo_last =
barraS =
h_cima = DetailsTopSideBarHighlight1 {
switch_healer = false
showing =
ponto4 =
__locked = true
menu_alpha =
snap =
rowareaborder_size = 0.500000
clickthrough_incombatonly = true
hide_in_combat_alpha = 0
ps_update_frame = DetailsInstance1PsUpdate {
firstIcon = DetailsClearSegmentsButton1 {
bars_grow_direction = 1
grab_on_top = false
StatusBar =
update = false
verticalSnap = false
hide_in_combat = false
posicao =
row_height = 22
titlebar_texture_color =
__pos =
show_statusbar = false
fontstrings_text3_anchor = 38
titlebar_shown = false
menu_anchor =
total_buttons_shown = 7
hide_out_of_combat = false
is_interacting = true
rows_created = 10
isMoving = false
bars_sort_direction = 1
do_not_snap = false

Second error

42x Details/classes/class_damage.lua:3507: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'meu_tempo' (a nil value)
[string "@Details/classes/class_damage.lua"]:3507: in function <Details/classes/class_damage.lua:3465>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Details/core/control.lua"]:1779: in function `MontaTooltip'
[string "@Details/frames/window_main.lua"]:1839: in function <Details/frames/window_main.lua:1835>

self =

flag_original = 1298
totalabsorbed = 57389.001491
BuildSpellTargetFromSpellTable = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:131
GetSpellContainer = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:27
pets =
classe = "DEATHKNIGHT"
total_without_pet = 22101986.001491
last_dps_realtime = 0
dps_started = false
total = 49725266.001491
colocacao = 1
BuildSpellTargetFromBreakdownSpellData = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:92
friendlyfire =
total_extra = 0
serial = "Player-57-0D4D04B7"
IsNeutralOrEnemy = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:182
ilvl = 446
GetSpellList = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:83
GetSpellTableFromContainer = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:55
damage_from =
targets =
IsGroupPlayer = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:175
IsPlayer = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:156
GetTargets = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:76
GetSpellContainerNames = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:19
friendlyfire_total = 552107
raid_targets =
minha_barra = DetailsBarra_1_1 {
__index =
IsPetOrGuardian = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:168
GetPets = defined @Details/functions/mixin.lua:68
end_time = 1691636621
nome = "Zolavix"
aID = "57-0D4D04B7"
boss_fight_component = true
spells =
grupo = true
displayName = "Zolavix"
on_hold = false
tipo = 1
custom = 0
last_event = 1691636619
damage_taken = 17739222.001491
start_time = 1691636291
delay = 0
last_dps = 150682.624247
instancia =
h_baixo = DetailsBottomSideBarHighlight1 {
menu_icons_size = 1.120000
h_esquerda = DetailsLeftSideBarHighlight1 {
bg_r = 0.243000
fullborder_size = 0.500000
color_buttons =
toolbar_icon_file = "Interface\AddOns\Details\images\toolbar_icons"
micro_displays_locked = true
LastModo = 2
icons =
RefreshWindow = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:347
ponto1 =
rolagem = true
rows_max = 50
GetMode = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:393
SetMode = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:416
fontstrings_text_limit_offset = -10
menu_icons =
RefreshCombat = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:219
show_sidebars = false
hide_icon = true
consolidate = false
toolbar_side = 1
sub_atributo = 1
GetId = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:387
SetSegment = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:431
menu_icons_alpha = 0.920000
bg_b = 0.258800
largura_scroll = 26
rowareaborder_color =
color =
sub_atributo_last =
barraS =
h_cima = DetailsTopSideBarHighlight1 {
switch_healer = false
showing =
ponto4 =
__locked = true
menu_alpha =
snap =
rowareaborder_size = 0.500000
clickthrough_incombatonly = true
hide_in_combat_alpha = 0
ps_update_frame = DetailsInstance1PsUpdate {
firstIcon = DetailsClearSegmentsButton1 {
bars_grow_direction = 1
grab_on_top = false
StatusBar =
verticalSnap = false
hide_in_combat = false
posicao =
row_height = 22
titlebar_texture_color =
__pos =
show_statusbar = false
fontstrings_text3_anchor = 38
titlebar_shown = false
menu_anchor =
total_buttons_shown = 7
hide_out_of_combat = false
rows_created = 10
bars_sort_direction = 1
last_interaction = 1691636680
is_interacting = true


VWD 11774 ALPHA 3 10.1.5

I moved to the Alpha channel last night because I was having the same issue with the Retail Stable channel on Curse.


Also, I've disabled all Details! plugins


thank you reporting, but without the version you're using is really hard to find the issue.
to get the version, type ingame: /details version
and paste here the contents.