Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


Lua error

Milky063 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Before Start!

Make sure the bug also happen when Details! is the only addon enabled.

Game and Details! version
Use /details to grab these two.

Describe the bug
2x Details/classes/container_segments.lua:956: script ran too long
[string "@Details/classes/container_segments.lua"]:956: in function `ResetAllCombatData'
[string "@Details/frames/window_main.lua"]:9759: in function <Details/frames/window_main.lua:9748>

self =

tabelas =
allInstances =
1 =
2 =
cleargarbage = defined @Details/classes/container_segments.lua:952
successful = false
errortext = "Details/classes/container_segments.lua:954: script ran too long"
(*temporary) = "Details/classes/container_segments.lua:954: script ran too long"
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) = "script ran too long"
(*temporary) = "Details/classes/container_segments.lua:954: script ran too long"
(*temporary) = ""
(*temporary) = "Details/classes/container_segments.lua"
(*temporary) = "script ran too long"
Details =
SetBarSpecIconSettings = defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:4406
SpellGroups =
InitializeRunCodeWindow = defined @Details/frames/window_runcode.lua:10
player_stats =
FlagNewCombat_PVPState = defined @Details/core/parser.lua:5172
EntrarEmCombate = defined @Details/core/control.lua:309
resize_debug =
overall_flag = 16
opened_windows = 2
RefreshAttributeTextSize = defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:7840
PotionList =
EndRefresh = defined @Details/core/control.lua:1653
default_bg_color = 0.094100
UpdatePetCache = defined @Details/classes/container_actors.lua:906
Ambiguate = defined @Details/functions/classes.lua:194
GetActiveWindowFromBreakdownWindow = defined @Details/frames/window_breakdown/window_playerbreakdown.lua:217
RestoreState_CurrentMythicDungeonRun = defined @Details/functions/profiles.lua:1745
GetNickname = defined @Details/Libs/NickTag-1.0/NickTag-1.0.lua:723
IsPluginEnabled = defined @Details/core/plugins.lua:90
ImportProfile = defined @Details/functions/profiles.lua:1910
show_totalhitdamage_on_overkill = false
SetNickname = defined @Details/Libs/NickTag-1.0/NickTag-1.0.lua:573
color_by_arena_team = true
SortKeyGroupHeal = defined @Details/classes/class_heal.lua:138
SortKeyGroup = defined @Details/classes/class_damage.lua:143
IsInEncounter = defined @Details/core/parser.lua:7071
Check_ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA = defined @Details/core/parser.lua:5192
plugin_window_pos =
gump =
ShowDeathTooltipFunction = defined @Details/classes/class_utility.lua:178
CaptureRefresh = defined @Details/core/parser.lua:4838
NewModule = defined @AdiBags/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:231
InstancesToStoreData =
SetAsDotSpell = defined @Details/functions/spellcache.lua:492
name_space_info = defined @Details/core/util.lua:1775
ShowDelayMsg = defined @Details/boot.lua:1296
Resize = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:2410
GetEncounterActorsName = defined @Details/functions/boss.lua:334
RequestCloudData = defined @Details/core/network.lua:601
RestauraJanela = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:1924
default_skin_to_use = "Minimalistic"
GetOpenedWindowsAmount = defined @Details/classes/class_instance.lua:715
GetInstanceGroup = defined @Details/frames/window_main.lua:8382
deadlog_events = 32
Dump = defined @Details/frames/window_dump.lua:20
OpenNewsWindow = defined @Details/frames/window_news.lua:8

  • Steps to Reproduce (what did you do to make the bug happen):

  • clearing details

  • Result (what happens when you follow the steps above): error

  • Expected (what you think the expected behavior would be when following the steps): to work

  • When the bug started (a date, wow path release, details update, etc)?

  • Additional information:

Lua Error
Post here lua errors, if you aren't getting any, use /console scriptErrors 1

Post images of the bug if necessary.

Combat Log
Include a link to a combatlog file if the error is about not detecting a skill, usable item or item proc.
The log can be as simple as hitting a mob with white damage and using the item/skill.

Other Information
If necessary, add more info here.