Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


Classic LUA errors, Hunter

ajungg opened this issue ยท 5 comments


When playing a Hunter with Pet i get the following lua error as soon as i hover over my name:

Message: Interface\AddOns\Details\classes\classe_damage.lua:2975: attempt to concatenate local 'nome_magia' (a nil value) Time: Sat Aug 10 19:10:41 2019 Count: 4 Stack: Interface\AddOns\Details\classes\classe_damage.lua:2975: attempt to concatenate local 'nome_magia' (a nil value) Interface\AddOns\Details\classes\classe_damage.lua:2975: in function <Interface\AddOns\Details\classes\classe_damage.lua:2873> (tail call): ? Interface\AddOns\Details\core\control.lua:1654: in function MontaTooltip'
Interface\AddOns\Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua:1911: in function <Interface\AddOns\Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua:1907>

Locals: self =

flag_original = 1297
totalabsorbed = 0.007065
damage_from =
targets =
colocacao = 1
pets =
minha_barra = DetailsBarra_1_1 {
friendlyfire_total = 0
raid_targets =
total_without_pet = 127.007065
friendlyfire =
on_hold = false
dps_started = false
total = 168.007065
classe = "HUNTER"
serial = "Player-4442-0002238D"
nome = "Impi"
spells =
grupo = true
displayName = "Impi"
end_time = 1565456781
last_dps = 30.900653
custom = 0
tipo = 1
damage_taken = 0.007065
start_time = 1565456772
delay = 0
last_event = 1565456780
instancia =
h_baixo = DetailsBottomSideBarHighlight1 {
menu_icons_size = 0.850000
h_esquerda = DetailsLeftSideBarHighlight1 {
bg_r = 0.094118
color_buttons =
toolbar_icon_file = "Interface\AddOns\Details\images\toolbar_icons"
modo = 2
tooltip =
icons =
ponto3 =
ponto1 =
rolagem = false
rows_max = 50
windowBackgroundDisplay = Details_GumpFrame1 {
lastIcon =
menu_icons =
isMoving = false
show_sidebars = false
hide_icon = true
consolidate = false
toolbar_side = 1
sub_atributo = 1
atributo = 1
bg_b = 0.094118
need_rolagem = false
backdrop_texture = "Details Ground"
color =
sub_atributo_last =
barraS =
bgdisplay = Details_GumpFrame1 {
switch_healer = false
ponto2 =
ponto4 =
__locked = true
menu_alpha =
snap =
clickthrough_incombatonly = true
hide_in_combat_alpha = 0
firstIcon = DetailsClearSegmentsButton1 {
row_show_animation =
grab_on_top = false
baseframe = DetailsBaseFrame1 {
hide_in_combat = false
posicao =
row_height = 15
__pos =
show_statusbar = false
clickthrough_window = false
menu_anchor =
total_buttons_shown = 5
hide_out_of_combat = false
rows_created = 10
skin_custom = ""
__was_opened = true
switch_all_roles_in_combat = false
clickthrough_toolbaricons = false
clickthrough_rows = false
barras =
switch_tank = false
windowSwitchButton = Details_SwitchButtonFrame1 {
switch_all_roles_after_wipe = false
rowframe = DetailsRowFrame1 {
switch_damager = false
auto_hide_menu =
window_scale = 1
h_direita = DetailsRightSideBarHighlight1 {
meu_id = 1
bg_g = 0.094118
top = 74.007065
freeze_texto = {
do_not_snap = false
mostrando = "normal"
ativa = true
break_snap_button = DetailsBreakSnapButton1 {
alturaAntiga = 158.000015
hide_in_combat_type = 1
last_modo = 2
last_interaction = 1565457040
skin = "Minimalistic"
segmento = 0
following =
is_interacting = true
oldwith = 269.111053
cached_bar_width = 269.111053
rows_showing = 1
bars_sort_direction = 1
libwindow =
iniciada = true
micro_displays_locked = true
StatusBarSaved =
LastModo = 2
v_barras = false
switch_tank_in_combat = false
version = 3
attribute_text =
row_info =
ignore_mass_showhide = false
_version = {
plugins_grow_direction = 1
desaturated_menu = false
strata = "LOW"
micro_displays_side = 2
__snap =
rows_fit_in_window = 10


Should also mention that im on the latest version you uploaded 5 minutes ago on curse


I don't know this code, so apologies if this is not the right thing to do, but if you change classes/classe_damage.lua line 2974 from

if (petName) then


if (petName and nome_magia) then

seems to avoid the error and not break anything obvious.

(based on v8.2.0.7167 from curse)


The SpellId's for all my actions seems to be 0.

If i nil check like you said, details is not putting out errors anymore, but my damage is not attributed anymore.

For example i did 291 Damage in one fight, but only the spells of my pet are listed (71 damage).

So the only thing working for me is the overall list, spell info is currently completly broken for me. Its not even showing Auto-Shot


Yeah, looks like is an issue in the client it self, I'm monitoring.


This issue has come problems with the combat log not showing the spellID anymore, also Details! now has a new version only for Classic WoW.