Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


Error when entering pet battle

Pingumania opened this issue · 1 comments


Game and Details! version

Describe the bug
Start a pet battle and the error pops up. Nothing seems to be broken though.
This started with version

Lua Error

2x Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua:5018: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'alphaAmount' (a nil value)
[string "@Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua"]:5018: in function `SetWindowAlphaForCombat'
[string "@Details\core\parser.lua"]:5188: in function <Details\core\parser.lua:5181>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?

self = <table> {
 h_baixo = DetailsBottomSideBarHighlight1 {
 menu_icons_size = 1
 h_esquerda = DetailsLeftSideBarHighlight1 {
 bg_r = 0.094118
 color_buttons = <table> {
 toolbar_icon_file = "Details\images\toolbar_icons"
 modo = 2
 tooltip = <table> {
 icons = <table> {
 ponto3 = <table> {
 ponto1 = <table> {
 rolagem = false
 rows_max = 50
 windowBackgroundDisplay = Details_GumpFrame1 {
 lastIcon = <table> {
 menu_icons = <table> {
 isMoving = false
 show_sidebars = false
 hide_icon = true
 consolidate = false
 toolbar_side = 1
 sub_atributo = 1
 atributo = 1
 bg_b = 0.094118
 need_rolagem = false
 backdrop_texture = "Solid"
 color = <table> {
 hide_on_context = <table> {
 barraS = <table> {
 h_cima = DetailsTopSideBarHighlight1 {
 switch_healer = false
 showing = <table> {
 ponto4 = <table> {
 __locked = true
 __snapH = true
 snap = <table> {
 clickthrough_incombatonly = true
 hide_in_combat_alpha = 0
 firstIcon = <table> {
 grab_on_top = false
 StatusBar = <table> {
 verticalSnap = false
 hide_in_combat = false
 posicao = <table> {
 combat_changes_alpha = 1
 row_height = 19
 __pos = <table> {
 show_statusbar = false
 clickthrough_window = false
 menu_anchor = <table> {
 total_buttons_shown = 3
 hide_out_of_combat = false
 rows_created = 6
 bars_sort_direction = 1
 __was_opened = true
 switch_all_roles_in_combat = false
 clickthrough_toolbaricons = false
 clickthrough_rows = false
 barras = <table> {
 horizontalSnap = true
 switch_tank = false
 windowSwitchButton = Details_SwitchButtonFrame1 {
 switch_all_roles_after_wipe = false
 rowframe = DetailsRowFrame1 {
 switch_damager = false
 auto_hide_menu = <table> {
 window_scale = 1
 h_direita = DetailsRightSideBarHighlight1 {
 meu_id = 1
 bg_g = 0.094118
 top = 43442.005121
 do_not_snap = false
 bars_inverted = false
 plugins_grow_direction = 1
 menu_alpha = <table> {
 mostrando = "normal"
 ativa = true
 break_snap_button = DetailsBreakSnapButton1 {
 alturaAntiga = 129.999985
 hide_in_combat_type = 1
 micro_displays_locked = false
 last_modo = 2
 segmento = 0
 skin = "Minimalistic"
 rows_showing = 1
 following = <table> {
 skin_custom = ""
 ponto2 = <table> {
 cached_bar_width = 272.000122
 oldwith = 272.000122
 LastModo = 2
 attribute_text = <table> {
 iniciada = true
 micro_displays_side = 2
 StatusBarSaved = <table> {
 __snapV = false
 v_barras = false
 instance_button_anchor = <table> {
 version = 3
 scroll = Details_ScrollBar1 {
 ignore_mass_showhide = false
 _version = <unnamed> {
 desaturated_menu = false
 bgdisplay = Details_GumpFrame1 {
 strata = "LOW"
 bgframe = Details_WindowFrame1 {
 __snap = <table> {
 row_info = <table> {
 baseframe = DetailsBaseFrame1 {
 freeze_texto = <unnamed> {
 menu2_points = <table> {
 libwindow = <table> {
 statusbar_info = <table> {
 menu_points = <table> {
 menu_anchor_down = <table> {
 stretch_button_side = 1
 largura_scroll = 26
 bgdisplay_loc = 0
 sub_atributo_last = <table> {
 overall_data_warning = <unnamed> {
 freeze_icon = <unnamed> {
 auto_current = true
 floatingframe = DetailsInstance1BorderHolder {
 switch_healer_in_combat = false
 rows_fit_in_window = 6
 switch_tank_in_combat = false
 bg_alpha = 0
 menu_attribute_string = <table> {
 isLocked = true
 wallpaper = <table> {
 total_bar = <table> {
 row_show_animation = <table> {
 switch_damager_in_combat = false
 alert = DetailsAlertFrame1 {
 bars_grow_direction = 1
entering_in_combat = true
true_hide = true
alphaAmount = nil
amount = nil
rowsamount = nil
menuamount = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'alphaAmount' (a nil value)"
_detalhes = <table> {
 SetBarSpecIconSettings = <function> defined @Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua:4290
 APITopics = <table> {
 InitializeRunCodeWindow = <function> defined @Details\cor