Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter


Strange stutter/hitch

Theguyxd opened this issue · 4 comments


ver: 13009.161, the issue occurs with only details enabled.

Description of the issue: So for some reason details is sometimes causing a hitch/stutter at the start of combat and also the same type of stutter/hitch when entering stealth as a rogue regardless if done from combat or not.

I tried to look for strange behaviour in cpu usage and whatnot but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I've moved over to a "fixed" version of the old addon Skada for now and it the issue does not occur. Now, Details is far more advanced and does a lot more things with a greater array of capabilities but I thought it was worth a mention. Hopefully I can resume using Details as soon as possible since it used to work flawlessly.

Expected behavior: I would expect some form of peformance impact of any addon but that is not what's happening here. Without any change in framerate the game simply hitches slightly upon entering combat or using stealth on my rogue. What is even more crazy is that it does not happen every time. But the problem is completley alleviated by disabling Details. What might be relevant information is that the stuttering upon entering combat was severe in Epic Battleground. However, I solved this by checking the "One Segment Battleground" setting. This seemed to fix most of the issue i had in BG's.

When did the issue start happening?: Not quite sure. I've had similar issues in Dragonflight in the past but those might be related to the game itelf to some extent. I did not do extensive testing at that time. I know for sure tho it worked flawlessly during BFA and SL.

Additional information: I tend to keep my UI as lightweight as possible. No extensive overhauls or intensive Weakauras. I run a quite stripped down version of Shadowed Unit Frames, Plater, some basic Weakauras and BigWigs/Littlewigs. However, as mentioned it does happen with only Details enabled with a full UI reset prior to testing. I run the game itself at what would be considered quite a high framerate for WoW and use a 360hz display. Now, I do not get anywhere near those framerates but it might add to the annoyance with my issue since it may appear more noticable.

What bothers me is the inconsistency. Sometimes it happens all the time sometimes it seems to go away for a bit. Can't really tell what is causing it but it is linked to Details to some extent. I've found some threads talking about similar issues but they are few and far between. Which is unfortunate for my postion since I'd like to go back to using Details as soon as possible. I wish I could add more useful information here but it has been hard to pinpoint. I've tried to mess around with the settings and changing update intervals and whatnot but it doesn't seem to matter. The only thing that fixed the very specific BG issue was enabling "One Segment Battleground" which I mentioned earlier.

Lastly, I do not expect this to be fixed but I just posting it here puts my mind at ease. Thanks for all you guys do. Cheers


Test with Details as your only enabled addon. I suspect you're hitting your cpu max

As stated at the start of the post. I've tried with only Details enabled and with the update interval set to 3 seconds. I also highly doubt my CPU utilization is getting maxed out since it is not hitting 100%. Nor is the framerate affected during combat. It is just when entering combat or when using stealth on a rogue(sometimes). Unless you're talking about something different.


Wow ui is single threaded. Your cpu has no chance of hitting 100%.

That being said, I've not heard of this issue before. I'll try to take a look on a rogue


Wow ui is single threaded. Your cpu has no chance of hitting 100%.

That being said, I've not heard of this issue before. I'll try to take a look on a rogue

I'll check per core. Still sound strange when doing nothing other than entering stealth on a rogue. I'll try to fully reset the ui with all the cvars and do some other teseting. The strange thing is that the framerate just drop by 1 or 2 but for some reason it is very noticable.

One core is being more heavily loaded than the others. But I suspect that to be normal behaviour. None of the cores/threads reaches above 85% utilization at any point.