


Insane numbers with 'exalted' reputations...

ZaephirMoth opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Greetings !

I thank you a lot for this great addon, which works well indeed, but wanted to report a (very) minor glitch, which may or may not be Diplomancer's fault...

I'm currently using an interface based on Dominos, including an 'all-in-one' bar which serves to display experience, reputations, artefact power, etc. This one will always show the numbers related to any reputation level and faction, even when it reached its maximum score (of 999/999 past 'exalted' status), and that's the reason of this glitch, otherwise unnoticeable with Blizzard's default UI.
Because any 'exalted' reputation watched, at least 'vanilla' ones - since I've only been playing 'vanilla' characters lately -, will display absurd numbers instead of '21000 / 21000' (or '0 / 999' for the remaining points above 'exalted'). You'll get instead, for example, '-2147483648 / 0'. This doesn't concern a specific reputation, zone, subzone, faction tabard, other addon - I disabled everything to test it - or whatever, but rather seems a general issue.
As I said, it's quite a minor glitch and I can perfectly well live with it ^^, but it seemed worth reporting anyway.

Cheers !


Diplomancer just changes which faction is being watched. It doesn't have any control over how that faction is presented to you. It sounds like the all-in-one bar addon you're using hasn't been updated to properly represent Paragon reputation (added in patch 7.2) on the reputation bar.


Thanks for the answer. I was speaking about 'vanilla' WoW, so I didn't thought about the paragon system, which doesn't concern those reputations... But you're right : it certainly comes from the other addon... I'll post the same remark overthere.