


5.4 Menu Bar

Siory opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Blizzard has been messing with the menu bar for 5.4. They added a store button and removed the customer support button. In my UI I really appreciate Dominos's ability to hide the various menu buttons so I only have 4 specific buttons showing.

Unfortunately, after these blizzard changes I can't hide the new Store button (even when I add it to the code it doesn't seem to hide properly across a UI reload) and there is something off with the behavior of the Main Menu button when in a vertically oriented configuration. It either takes up two buttons worth of space or renders behind other buttons depending on which buttons I have enabled.

I would appreciate it if you could look into these things at some point. I've only been able to get so far tinkering with the code on my own.


They added a store button and removed the customer support button.

On the default UI menu bar, in-game store button is not shown, and customer support button is still there. Dominos, however, shows in-game store button, and hides customer support button. Customer support is also not available under "Disable Buttons" setting.


I think this is resolved with the latest commit.


Thanks for looking into this. I've got a live raid going right now, but once that's done I'll check it out on the 5.4 PTR and let you know how it turns out.


This new version does properly disable the store button but it still has the same issues with the main menu button. Here is a screenshot showing the issue:

This still happens even when Dominos is the only addon loaded.


I redownloaded the latest ptr commit as a zip for dominos (and had to grab flypaper because it's not included in the zip) and am using the latest live version of dominos_config. It's the only addon running. So I load up a character and set the menubar to 1 column. That results in this:

So at this point it looks like it should. However, as soon as I execute a /console reloadui it has the display error like so:

I appreciate you looking into this and hopefully can figure it out because switching to some alternative bar mod is a hassle I'd rather not have to go through.


Also I can't rule out it being some kind of blizzard bug. That little green box floating below the button, that's the color overlay for the latency that shows in the "screen" of the computer icon on the system button. It doesn't show up as a frame when mousing over it with the framestack though.

Or, while playing around with it all, if I just hide the store button and no others, there will no longer be a menu button at all, just the latency overlay. The frame still exists (not nil) but I have no idea where it actually is being shown.

Basically, any arrangement of columns and disabled buttons that leaves the MainMenuMicroButton without any button directly to it's left or right causes this issue. Which means I can use a multi-column configuration and try to fit that into my UI, not my ideal solution however.


I've yet to reproduce that bit.


Running that bit does cause the little disembodied latency overlay to disappear for a half second, then it comes right back. It doesn't fix the formatting problem of the button layout when in a column but I'm not sure it was supposed to do that.


I think I figured out what the thing is. Try running this bit of code next time you see it:
/run MainMenuBarPerformanceBar:Hide(); MainMenuBarDownload:Hide()


If you can, try the latest commit. I think it will fix the issue, but I still need to test with the override bar once the darkmoon fair hits tomorrow.


The latest commit fixes the issue. I didn't try the override bar case though. Thanks.