


Errors after shrinking bars

ascott18 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Version: 6.0.12

Step 1: Shrink a bar so that it has less slots than it did before.
Step 2: Leave Dominos config mode
Step 3: Enter combat and cast a spell. Yields this error each time I cast a spell:

151x FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:457: Usage: GetActionLossOfControlCooldown(slot)
<in C code>
FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:457: in function "ActionButton_UpdateCooldown"
FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:611: in function "ActionButton_OnEvent"
FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:137: in function <FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:134>

self = DominosActionButton59 {
 0 = <userdata>
 __MSQ_Shape = "Square"
 __MSQ_Cooldown = DominosActionButton59Cooldown {}
 flashing = 0
 __MSQ_Background = false
 flashtime = 0
 __MSQ_NormalTexture = <unnamed> {}
 icon = DominosActionButton59Icon {}
 NormalTexture = DominosActionButton59NormalTexture {}
 HotKey = DominosActionButton59HotKey {}
 feedback_action = 119
 __MSQ_BaseFrame = <unnamed> {}
 NewActionTexture = <unnamed> {}
 Border = DominosActionButton59Border {}
 Flash = DominosActionButton59Flash {}
 __MSQ_NormalSkin = <table> {}
 draenorZoneDisabled = false
 Name = DominosActionButton59Name {}
 FlyoutBorderShadow = DominosActionButton59FlyoutBorderShadow {}
 Count = DominosActionButton59Count {}
 SetFrameLevel = <func> =[C]:-1
 FlyoutBorder = DominosActionButton59FlyoutBorder {}
 FlyoutArrow = DominosActionButton59FlyoutArrow {}
 cooldown = DominosActionButton59Cooldown {}
 SetNormalTexture = <func> =[C]:-1

First question: Have you tested with just Dominos + Dominos_Config?


Just did, and it still happens.


My Blizzard Loss of Control Alert settings are as follows, in case it matters:

  • Loss of Control Alerts enabled
  • Full: Show Full Duration
  • [All other types]: Only Alert

Second question:
How many buttons do you have on bar 10?


12 buttons on bar 10.

Bar 1 is the bar that I was shrinking, though (from 9 to 8, removing ActionButton9). Strange that the error was happening on button 59.


6.0.13 should hopefully fix this. I wasn't unregistering action buttons properly from Blizzard's controller (and think that even if I were able to, I would cause tainting issues), so I removed that bit of code entirely. Since I'm already using a hidden frame for those buttons, there shouldn't be any ill effects.