


Mouseover action bar paging

Goranaws opened this issue ยท 12 comments


basically, if my mouse isn't over a unit show one bar, if it is over a unit then show a different one.

Been trying to work the code for this myself, but I don't understand your BarStates code well enough.


Do you mean a specific unit or just any unit? For the latter [@mouseOver,exists] is the macro conditional.


That's what I'm after, though I want it to work with bar paging, for key bind reasons.

Currently using some complex macros to achieve my goal, but it's annoying to rearrange by bars. Have to rewrite macros, to make any changes.


If I mouse over a unit, it'd be nice if I could page the bars to do harmful or helpful spells, based on what I'm mousing over.


addState('target', 'mouseover', '[@mouseOver,exists]') is what you want I think


I'll give that a try when I get home. Thank you.


That worked. Thank you much.


I was able to switch it to [@mouseOver, harm, nodead]. This allows for a wider range of flexibility for me, as I can add a few other variations to bar states, and then modify my macros to help ensure thar I'm always attacking something in a raid. The visual clutter in raids makes it hard for me to weed out specific targets to attack, so the combination of clever macros and bar states, makes up for it.


At some point I need to make custom states a thing. Quite a while ago I worked on making a bar addon where you could change your entire layout based on a macro conditional but I never got around to finishing it.


Well, im not sure how to make layouts work, but I've been trying to envinsion how custom macro bar states would look.. everything I come up with feels overly complex.

The one idea I might explore is having a menu page that has an editbar to type in a macro, then a dropdown menu to select show/hide or to select which bar to page to. Thered also be a button somewhere that says "add new" so users could mkae as many as they want.


And the order in which they create macro conditionals, would matter, for macro priorites. Could also allow the conditionals to be rearrange for that purpose


I believe a set of presets with an option to type in a macro is what Bartender does. I think I'd probably just try and make an editor interface for barStates.lua.


I'll look into bartender's method, then try to create something for myself. If what I come up with seems good, I will post it for you to look at.

Just to mention, I believe most of my extras for dominos are stable, so I don't really plan to post any updates or changes to them, unless I get requests, or issues. Just going to make my own stuff for me for a while.