


Action Bars Do Not Display

lock720 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


When logging in with just Dominos enabled no action bars are shown on screen and an error message is shown in chat:

Failed to load ActionBars
Interface\FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:486: assertion failed!


Make sure that the addon is installed to the right directory (WoW Folder_retail_\Interface\Addons). You may need to update/reinstall the twitch client if you're using that.


Hi hi, I am also having this problem. the actual action bars arent loading at all. the exp bar, azerite bar, stealth, pet, bags and menu icons are working. when i hit configure bars there arent any of the numbered action bars appearing at all. I tried reinstalling the addon without deleting my preferences through the twitch app but no luck. I hope I don't have to reinstall the whole thing along with my preferences D: I also checked it was installedi n the right place and the error I am getting is what the same "
Interface\FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:486: assertion failed!"

Edit: sorry I just saw you have listed this as "to do" as I was writing this. Thanks for your amazing work ^_^


The solution is the same: reinstall the twitch client or make sure that the addon is installed in the right folder: retail\interface\addons


my apologies, ive just come back from a trip and only found out they've changed the pathing. I understand now, Thanks!