


Cast Bar color

4lkazar opened this issue · 4 comments


Am I the only one that has to deal with that ugly purple cast bar?
I am playing a mage - all DMG Spells have a purple cast bar. Mounting up = yellow. conjure water = Green. Frostbolt = purple?! Fireball = purple?!

Pls give us the option to change the color of the bar or at least show a blue cast bar on frost spells, a red one on fire and purple on arcane idk. but pls do not let me watch longer that ugly purple cast bar with green MS indicator...

That bothers me so much that I just created a github account so i can write this text.

Pls fix / enhance


I’ll most likely make it possible to just pick your preferred colors, but there’s a bit kore cleanup I want to do on the bar framework itself first

Hello, I am interested to see if you were ever able to implement a way to color code spells? Currently I don't believe the native cast bar is worth using, and with the new Discipline talent where I need to alternate between Holy/Shadow spells, it would be very helpful to be able to color code. The only problem I'm seeing off the bat not all the spells are the right color.

Will try picking through your code first like 4lkazar did.


There's a contextual colors checkbox on the 8.3.8 version.


I’ll most likely make it possible to just pick your preferred colors, but there’s a bit kore cleanup I want to do on the bar framework itself first


Ok Thx for the information. A friend of mine coded it so that i can set colors for diffenret spell IDs. so blizzard = blue, flamestrike = red and so on. I will use this Addition in the meantime. Thx