


Extra Action Button Broken in 9.0.6

claycle opened this issue ยท 20 comments


As of the latest Dominos patch, the Extra Action Button has broken. It appears, but it can no longer be activated/clicked on.

Disabling Dominos allows the EAB to be activated.


This is a duplicate of #479. Check there


Not exactly. The button isn't "gone". It appears. It cannot be activated, though.


Is it interactive with other addons disabled? I've been testing this via shadowlands and haven't experienced any issues on my end.

You can also tell dominos to not use the extra bar via /run Dominos.db.profile.modules.ExtraAbilityBar = false; ReloadUI()


I cannot precisely determine which, if any, add-on it might be interacting with (although, frankly, my add-on list is pretty short: Dominos, DBM, RaiderIO, Details, Weakauras, Threatplates). Turning off and reloading the add-ons will often/usually allow the button to function again. However, if it appears (added by a world quest, for example), it will initially not be operable. Reloading, it will be operable.


I had same problem in place I never had it before, waycrest manor last boss the vial of blood, we wiped because we couldn't throw the bottle, whatever I tired didn't work.
reloading didn't help. couldn't test up more tank ragequit.


Is this still happening with 9.0.10?


Haven't tested it agains ory should have said so


The Extra Action Button does not appear when performing the final stage of the Legion Arms Warrior quest to get Stromkar (Artifact Weapon). When you reach the end of the scenario you are supposed to execute the mob using the extra action button but it does not appear. This is with 9.0.10.

I capped the frame info if its any help.


I am having the same issue. I'm running 9.0.10.


One more fixed applied: 'What if i just give the bar a static size?" There's also a binding for the extra action button in Blizzard's binding menu/quick binding mode (which Dominos also supports now)


Tested the above Stromkar issue on PTR with 9.0.11. Still broken. Takes about 20mins to make a new allied race warrior and start the Legion warrior stuff.

Upon triggering the final phase of the scenario you pick up the item (artifact).
When looted, the EAB appears very briefly.
An in game model cinematic plays. (Your toon holding the sword aloft)
On leaving the cinematic there is no EAB.
Reloading the UI now shows the EAB. (which is an improvement over 9.0.10)

This EAB is also dependant on your proximity to the mob. If you walk away the EAB also fades out. This is somewhat similar to many world quests that I have also found problematic with dominos in the past few builds. Unsure if it's the same issue though.

Walking into the valkyr teleport afterwards correctly triggers the EAB. Perhaps the EAB is not being re-enabled after cinematic?


This Stromkar scenario bug is a Blizzard bug. Retested a couple more times with 0 addons. The EAB is always bugged in this scenario. The behaviour is identical to the timeline above.

Running away and back restores the EAB, or a reload of the UI. The repositioning of the character for the cinematic breaks whatever trigger conditions are required for the EAB.


That makes me feel a bit better at least. Its likely due to this in ExtraActionBar.lua

function ExtraActionBar_OnHide (self)

That should really be something like this:

function ExtraActionBar_OnHide (self)
    if HasExtraActionBar() then


This script might fix it:

/run local f = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, nil, 'SecureHandlerBaseTemplate'); f:WrapScript(ExtraActionBarFrame, 'OnHide', 'if HasExtraActionBar() then return false end')

Script didn't work in this scenario.


Well on 9.011 also this bug is present but different! It appears that after ending combat the button changes its position. I recorded a video with the framestack


Well on 9.011 also this bug is present but different! It appears that after ending combat the button changes its position. I recorded a video with the framestack

I had a problem like that. I was doing the quest in Azsuna with the little dragon action button. I had to /reload to get the button to show back up and finish the quest. Thanks!


In that clip, you seem to be using Titan Panel. Titan Panel is known to mess with the extra action button so I would suggest enabling the Disable Screen Adjust option for both the top and bottom bars


I've added a workaround for the Titan Panel case. Normally I don't like implementing code for other addons, but enough people have the issue in this case.


@Tuller Fixed!! Also found that disabling the auto adjust bars speed up the status change on the bars with [combat]hide;show



Tell me if you need to test something else. I would gladly help :)