


Quest Tracker

Goranaws opened this issue ยท 6 comments


When I created Dominos_Minimap, I also created a quest tracker frame to go with it. Since doing so I've decided to make the Tracker into it's own addon... I figured since Dominos has had issues with the tracker in the past, it would be a good idea. It reuses the default tracker, while enhancing it as well.

Here's a link to the code if you'd like to take a look.

(OH! I finally figured out how to make repositories!)


Sorry for the delay in responding. It looks good to me, but I'm worried a bit about line 221: That may or may not cause tainting issues, and if so, you should probably look at replacing it with a secure hook.


On Jul 20, 2011, at 2:01 PM, Goranaws wrote:

When I created Dominos_Minimap, I also created a quest tracker frame to go with it. Since doing so I've decided to make the Tracker into it's own addon... I figured since Dominos has had issues with the tracker in the past, it would be a good idea. It reuses the default tracker, while enhancing it as well.

Here's a link to the code if you'd like to take a look.

(OH! I finally figured out how to make repositories!)

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One Question... I look around online, but I just can't seem to understand how to create a secure script... Any chance you could point me somewhere that explains really well?


Like this??

hooksecurefunc(WatchFrame, "SetWidth", function() return end)

If so, it doesn't work... I think it's due to the way it's written...

function WatchFrame_SetWidth(width)
--[[ do stuff ]]--

Instead of messing with the desired function, it messes with " WatchFrame:SetWidth() "... Needless to say, I'm lost.

commented is the call you'd use.
Basically what you want to try to avoid doing is

Here's a brief article on the concept of secure execution and tainting:


When you hook a function, what you're basically doing is something like this:

local oldSetWidth = WatchFrame.SetWidth
WatchFrame.SetWidth = function(self, width)
oldSetWidth(self, width)
--your code

if you're trying to hook WatchFrame_SetWidth, then you probably just want to do this:
hooksecurefunc(WatchFrame_SetWidth, function(width)
--your code

On Jul 23, 2011, at 3:18 PM, Goranaws wrote:

Like this??

hooksecurefunc(WatchFrame, "SetWidth", function() return end)

If so, it doesn't work... I think it's due to the way it's written...

function WatchFrame_SetWidth(width)
--[[ do stuff ]]--

Instead of messing with the desired function, it messes with " WatchFrame:SetWidth() "... Needless to say, I'm lost.

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I'll test it out right now... I just finished reinstalling Github for Mac... Lion kinda ticked me off, had way to many defaults setting I hate all re-enabed, and also screwed up Github For Mac. :|