Dragonflight Helper

Dragonflight Helper



Dragonflight Helper helps keep track of profession point quests, and Dragonflight reputations, and provides timers for the Siege and Feast events.

This addon is in Beta

This is a new addon, and is considered to be in Beta. Please provide bug reports (or feature requests), with as much detail as possible in order to reproduce the bug, in the issues tracker on github. You may also join our Discord server (this is a channel in the Auctionator server). Comments are disabled; if you have feedback or bug reports, please use the issues tracker on github or the Discord server


Faction Reputations

The Dragonflight factions are displayed as status bars, with your current reputation.


Timers are shown for both the Siege of Dragonbane Keep and the Community Feast events.

Weekly Quest Todos

  • Aiding the Accord
  • Revival Catalyst
  • Community Feast
  • Siege on Dragonbane Keep
  • Grand Hunts
  • Trial of Flood - Raging Torrent
  • Trial of Elements - Therrocite
  • World bosses

Weekly Profession Todos

All professions:
  • Unspent knowledge points
  • Draconic treatise use
  • Weekly trainer quest
  • Master trainer (one time knowledge point increase)
Gathering professions:
  • Gather drops (Iridescent Ore, Dreambloom, Curious Hide)
Crafting professions:
  • Disturbed dirt/Scout's pack items
  • Weekly mob drops (With tomtom waypoints provided where known)
  • Weekly Artisan's Consortium quest
  • Weekly profession quest

Much of the data was manually gathered - either in game or on wowhead - so could be wrong! Please let me know if something is not right with a bug report!

This project was inspired heavily by Tama's Dragonflight Helper - if you have weak auras, and prefer that to an addon, I highly recommend it!