DRList-1.0 (Diminishing Returns Data)

DRList-1.0 (Diminishing Returns Data)


Curseforge Packager embed usage is unconventional

ascott18 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Typically, the main embeds xml file is contained in the root of the repo, so that when an external is declared in the .pkgmeta, the usage in the .toc file ends up like Lib\DRList-1.0\DRList-1.0.xml

However, DRList nests its main folder one level down, causing that conventional format to not work, instead requiring Lib\DRList-1.0\DRList-1.0\DRList-1.0.xml.

Since restructuring the folders at this point would break anything that is already using this, my suggestion would be to instead just to add a second DRList-1.0.xml at the root of the repo that then references the nested one.


Ah, didn't notice that. Thanks I will look into it.


Fixed it now.