Dungeon Aura Tools

Dungeon Aura Tools


On demand loading of dungeon auras (of sorts)

linaori opened this issue ยท 3 comments


To reduce (re)load time of the interface, I want to have as little weak auras as possible that I don't actively use. With this addon it's already possible to remove -> import the dungeons auras really quickly whenever you want, and I need 0 configuration or customization outside of what addon provides atm.

My workflow would be:

  1. Enter a dungeon
  2. Get a popup if I want to import the auras for that specific dungeon
  3. Do a few dungeons (repeat the process of importing)
  4. Delete the auras when I'm done

I understand that a "load on demand" is not easy to implement for weak auras (maybe one day they will provide this ๐Ÿ‘€), but this flow would be really close. Additionally the current "export" button could be replaced by a more targeted import function to import a subset. This could be done based on several levels.

User interface wise this could be a dropdown or select boxes which the export button uses to filter what is being exported.

In the most ideal scenario I'd see WeakAuras itself support pre-configured auras being added through addons, which themselves can be "load on demand", but seeing this is probably a big change for WAs, I doubt that would happen


I this this is a pretty nieche usecase and i won't have time to add this anytime soon. If you or someone else want's to look into implementing this a pull request would be welcome but i'll close this issue for now and maybe revisit it in the future


ok you win i was bored and added it anyways @linaori ๐Ÿ˜†


Haha, nice!