


Fade Out UI misses models and specifically the quest tracker from the addon Kaliel's Tracker

nadiayorc1 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


World Of Warcraft Screenshot 2023 05 28 - 22 48 11 22

The castbar is meant to be visible as I added it in the "Keep additional frames" section, but the entirity of Kaliel's Tracker, and the 3D models from both RareScanner and Shadowed Unit Frames still show (I assume all models would(?), but they are the only I had visible). edit: models from weakauras also still show

Using the "Hide entire UI" option does of course work (by hiding absolutely everything), but I would like to keep a couple frames still visible using the "Keep additional frames" section.


Hm, OK. If it is a general problem with the models? Are you fading to 0% opacity? Maybe the models just cannot be faded but would be hidden with their parent frames when the opacity is really 0%.


Yeah, I am fading to 0% opacity.


Hi! Have you tried the following?

Enter /fstack into the console. The mouse-hover over the frames whose name you want to identify and press CTRL. A new window titled "Frame Attributes" will show up, showing info about the frame you were hovering over. (You may now enter /fstack in the console again, to get rid of the mouse-over info.) In the "Frame Attributes" window you can in particular click the upper-left button to move to a frame's parent frame. You can toggle a show tick box, too.

This way you could maybe find out which frame it is that these models belong to, which is not faded out. To see the "Frame Attribute" frame while the UI is faded by DynamicCam you have to add its name TableAttributeDisplay to the list of frames to keep.


I did know about the fstack thing, but the frame attributes is something I didn't know about and seems very useful for troubleshooting UI issues, thanks for bringing my attention to it.

I was able to find out the specific names of the frames, but what can I do with this information? I wouldn't want to just permanantly hide them from the Frame Attribute menu, especially the entirity of the Kaliel's Tracker frame as it's my quest tracker.

There are options within the Rarescanner and SUF settings to not use the models by either using a 2D portrait in SUF or toggle showing the Rarescanner "miniature" which does obviously stop them showing when the UI is faded but it would be nice if there was somehow a way to have the models hide with the rest of the UI within DynamicCam. The Kaliel's Tracker showing is definitely the biggest issue as it takes up the most area of the screen, and it isn't just a single part of the frame, but the entire thing.

Is there any way to manually add things to hide (not stay shown) when in the DynamicCam UI fade? Some kind of box similar to the Keep additional frames box, but something like a "force hide" box just incase something doesnt hide properly would be nice. I wouldn't want to hide/toggle them off all the time unless there was no alternative.


All right! So you know the names of the frames that would have to be hidden in order to also hide the models. What are their names? I could hide them by default with an upcoming release.


From what I can tell, the names of the frames I'm having issues with are:


Although considering every frame with a 3D model in my UI has the issue, it seems likely that it might just be an issue with every 3D model. The same thing also happens with any Weakaura that has a model in it, and I'm pretty sure the frame names of those are all different.

I'm curious if the model thing is just happening to me due to some weird incompatibility or if it's a recreatable issue.