ElvUI CoolLine Wrapper

ElvUI CoolLine Wrapper


Feature: TomTom Crazy Arrow integration

LoneWanderer-GH opened this issue ยท 0 comments


It would be great to have a mover for the TomTom Crazy Arrow.

However, after many attempts, it seems that the arrow frame does not exist when player enters world (WoW API PLAYER_ALIVE event). I can create the mover manually using the Wow LUA addon when I'm in game, using the ElvUI API. see screenhsot

It would be nice to hook on the frame creation, or delay mover creation using a timer (AceTimer would do the trick).

However, since the addon is based on an Elvui plugin, I faced issues using the provided Ace timer.

1. using the ElvUI provided Timer

local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(ElvUI);
local ElvUI_CoolLine_Wrapper = E:NewModule('ElvUI_CoolLine_Wrapper', 'AceHook-3.0', 'AceEvent-3.0', 'AceTimer-3.0');
function ElvUI_CoolLine_Wrapper:CreateMovers()
function ElvUI_CoolLine_Wrapper:Initialize()
    E:ScheduleTimer(CreateMovers, 15) -- <== raises an AceTimer error due to function not existing in module

Ace Timer Error :
Tried to register 'CreateMovers' as the callback, but it doesn't exist in the module.

2. Using own timer lib instance(?) :

    local AceTimer = LibStub("AceTimer-3.0");
    AceTimer:ScheduleTimer(CreateMovers, 15)

I get:
AceTimer-3.0-17: ScheduleTimer(callback, delay, args...): 'callback' and 'delay' must have set values.