ElvUI Enhanced Again (DF)

ElvUI Enhanced Again (DF)


[9.1.5] Minimap Button Bar Icons Messed up

cr4ckp0t opened this issue ยท 6 comments



I have updated to the latest version of ElvUI Enhanced Again (4.0.10 as of today) and since patch 9.1.5 has gone live this is what I see for the Minimap Button Bar. I have tried disabling all other addons, besides ElvUI, ElvUI Enhanced Again, and Astral Keys to see if another addon was messing things up and it produced the same results.

There are no Lua errors, according to BugGrabber/BugSack, so I am unsure what is going on. I can only assume it is not removing the "default" minimap button icon, probably due to the backdrop changes I have seen in the API, however I would expect anything like that to trigger Lua alerts.


I have this same issue, since the update with 9.1.5. I have turned off all addons with the exception of ElvUI and ElvUI Enhanced again and still see it; when I disable ElvUI Enhanced Again, I can see the button portraits as they should be.


I have fixed the issue and created a Pull Request for it.


Hi, Thanks for the messages and the fix. I'll be able to check it out tomorrow evening.
I'll push an update asap.


is there another update coming?


Sorry, this fell of my radar. Haven't been playing a lot of WoW these days. Testing it now.


Update is live