ElvUI Enhanced Again (DF)

ElvUI Enhanced Again (DF)


FPS (and freeze) drop when using efflorescence

Moowalker opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I have posted it also over curseforge (https://wow.curseforge.com/addons/elvui-enhanced-again/tickets/17-fps-and-freeze-drop-when-using-efflorescence/)

The moment I press my efflorescence keybind to put it down (even if I dont place it, but just get the efflorescence circle) I get FPS drop. If I do that at the start of an encounter I get 1-2sec freeze. This only happens in raids. I am 99.9% sure its ElvUI Enhanced Again (Legion) cause when I disabled it, I didn't get any FPS drop or freeze. While tested, the only adddons running were ElvUI and ElvUI Enhanced Again (Legion)

ElvUI: 10.30
ElvUI Enhanced Again (Legion): 3.2.0 - beta8


Do you still experience this? And if so, what is the keybind for your Efflorescense?


Yes, I still have it, even after the latest alpha update. I noticed it more at ToV and not so much at NH. When I am pressing the efflorescence keybind (especially at countdown) I get 1-2 sec freeze. My key bind is Shift + E


I disabled it and it seems there are no freezes (just tested at LFR). I just noticed by pressing shift the tooltip changes ๐Ÿ˜„ so i guess it is something to do with my keybind and not the spell itself.


Cool, it should disable during combat automatically because it's quite a CPU intensive check that's been done.


Thanks for the info. Could you try turning off the Player Raid Progression information on mouse-over tool tip. It's under the tooltip settings of ElvUI. Let me know of that helpes, then I have a starting point.

Thanks in advance.