Not Loading with Patch 11.0.2 / ElvUI 13.74
strongbow25 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Hi. After the patch yesterday, LocationPlus is no longer listed as an available Plugin, and it doesn't appear in the UI. ElvUI was updated this morning but didn't fix the issue.
1x ElvUI_LocPlus/core.lua:28: attempt to call global 'GetAddOnMetadata' (a nil value)
[string "@ElvUI_LocPlus/core.lua"]:28: in main chunk
E =
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db =
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myClassID = 9
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hooks =
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wowdate = "Aug 12 2024"
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media =
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mult = 0.723845
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ConfigTooltip = ElvUI_ConfigTooltip {
SpecInfoBySpecClass =
statusBars =
loadedtime = 125818.111000
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Border = 1
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texts =
SpellBookTooltip = ElvUI_SpellBookTooltip {
baseName = "ElvUI"
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myspec = 1
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ScanTooltip = ElvUI_ScanTooltip {
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perfect = 0.723845
mynameRealm = "Belagurth - Mal'Ganis"
ConfigModeLocalizedStrings =
wowbuild = 56110
unitFrameElements =
valueColorUpdateFuncs =
defaultModuleState = true
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enabledState = true
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myfaction = "Alliance"
NewSign = "|TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:14:14|t"
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wowpatch = "11.0.2"
RaidUtility =
myLocalizedClass = "Warlock"
AnimShakeH =
wowtoc = 110002
defaultModuleLibraries =
version = 13.740000
Libs =
Skins =
TexCoords =
callbacks =
NamePlates =
snapBars = <ta
1x ElvUI_LocPlus/options.lua:683: bad argument #1 to 'tinsert' (table expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `tinsert'
[string "@ElvUI_LocPlus/options.lua"]:683: in main chunk
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table expected, got nil"
Just saw that ToyBoxEnhanced has the same issue and a user there reported changing "GetAddOnMetadata with C_AddOns.GetAddOnMetadata" fixed it. Will try in LocationPlus.
Yep, replacing changing "GetAddOnMetadata with C_AddOns.GetAddOnMetadata" corrected the issue.